Chapter 1- Announcement

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Mia's P.O.V.

   I was in my room listening to music while going on Pinterest as my mother walked in.
   "Mia dear you- oh darling what is this noise you are listening to? It is awful. Turn it off." My mother said in her formal tone. I sighed. My mother didn't use to be like this. Ever since my family's reputation sky rocketed because of my brothers' careers and my parents new movie they stared in, my mother has been different. She is quite rude and isn't that loving mother she used to be. However I did as I was told.
   "Now mother what were you saying?" I asked her as polite as I possibly could. Thankfully she seemed pleased.
   "Well we were invited to a formal social event and it is tonight. I need you to try this dress on and get ready." My mother showed one our maids holding up a dress though I couldn't see it under its wrapping job. "This is a very important event and very formal. You need to be on your best behavior and look your best."
   "Oh I see. What um makes this event so important?" I asked her.
   "There is going to be a special announcement made and the Cox family will be there." I instantly remembered the Cox family. Caroline and Nathan Cox were very wealthy and famous business people and their son- Aaron Cox- was the CEO of the Cox Enterprises.
   "Oh wow. Well lets not waste time getting ready. You know what? Mother you should go get ready and I could have Anna help me while one of our other maids can help you. After all we all have to look amazing." I pointed to the maid Anna who still held my dress.
   "Oh darling perfect idea. I will have Elizabeth help me. Anna I want Mia looking her best. Nothing less but possibly more." With that my mother walked out.
   "Ok well Miss why don't you sit at your vanity. I will get your makeup ready and then we will do your hair and finally your dress." Anna pointed over to my vanity. I nodded and walked over. Anna started doing my eye makeup only adding a light amount but still making it look fabulous.
My makeup:

   After she finished my makeup Anna moved onto my hair

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   After she finished my makeup Anna moved onto my hair.
   "How are you Anna?" I asked her trying to make small talk and fill up the empty room.
   "Oh I am fine thank you. How are you Miss?" I wanted her to call me by my name but my mother said that it was unprofessional.
   "Oh doing well. Just busy. How is your husband?" Whenever I heard Anna talking to the other maids she was usually always talking about her husband. Anna was young and recently married.
   "Oh he is just fine. He actually is about to finish up school for his teaching degree." Anna blushed.
   "Oh how exciting. Are you going to throw a party for him?"
   "Yes actually. It will be great fun. Ahh now what do you think?" Anna stepped back and let me look at my hair. My long waist length black locks were curled into beach waves and was in a half up half down bun. I loved it.
   "It looks amazing Anna. You are amazing!" I loved when Anna did my hair. She was my favorite. My hair was long and pretty thick so it was hard to style some times but Anna always made it work.
My hair (pretend it is black.):


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