Chapter Thirty-One: Gardenias

Start from the beginning

I knew what I wanted, and I wanted it with the kind of intoxicated rapture that made people take risks they would never take even with plenty of alcohol in their system. I wanted to be with him in this new world. But it didn't directly struck me that I already had what I wanted.

"Did you do that?" He then asked me.

I glanced over at Carol. I nodded. "You should thank Carol."

We shared one last look before I watched him wander away from me. There wasn't much time to observe the huge group that he'd taken with him out of Terminus, because I suddenly had another set of arms around me.

I felt another flare of relief when I quickly realised who'd pulled me into their arms so desperately. His arms closed behind my back.

"Thank God." Daryl mumbled.

I not once argued when his hug smeared Walkers' blood all over me— instead I even chuckled and pulled him tighter into the hug.

I tangled myself out of his arms. "I'm okay.

"Me too." He nodded.

My glance fell over Daryl's shoulder, and my eyes met Carl's. The boy gave me a pleased nod. I gave him a smile in return.

There was a good reason as to why the group was suddenly so much bigger. Our people had saved them and thank God for it. They would've been a meal.

Rick zipped open the bag filled with guns. I caught myself keeping carful tabs on him. The urge to ask him what he was up to was upon me sooner than I'd ever imagined, because I wasn't getting a good feeling. I clearly wasn't the only one.

It would have take nothing to sneak behind the branches and circumvent my questions.

"Rick, what're you doing?"

Perfect timing. My words urged through his conscious when he forced a weapon in Maggie's hands. Everyone looked just as confused as me.

"We should go along the fences, use the rifles to take the rest of them out." He spoke assertively.

"What?" Glenn asked.

Rick's eye's made a run around the group, later lingering on mine. "They don't get to live."

"You're right. They don't." I said. "But you made it out. There's no need to risk your lives a second time today. It's over."

"It's not over until they're all dead." He muttered.

"I noticed that this group was taking its time. It was quiet. People weren't in their usual rush, no speeding, no discussing. Nor did they seem to be leaving to be on their own soon. They didn't have any objections against Rick's idea. Perhaps they needed a leader.

"That place is on fire." Glenn tried again. "And full of Walkers. What makes you think it's a good idea to go out there again?"

This was probably the first time I allowed myself to count down until one of the new-comers would speak. To my own surprise one of them did; a man with indispensable red hair. Couldn't miss that one.

"I'm not dicking around with this crap." He said. "We just made it out."

It's not that I didn't agree with Rick. But I wasn't going let him risk his life again today.

Above all, it wasn't really necessary either. I had to admit that I probably would've done it if it weren't for him and Carl.

"Rick, he's right." Maggie agreed.

For some reason his blue eyes were on me. I knew he was hoping for me to change my mind. But I shook my head slowly. "The fences are down. They'll run or die." I said to him.

Rick understood. And if he did, he must have suspected, and if he suspected he would have figured me out without a doubt. He watched me with his steely, glass-eyed, trenchant, all-knowing gaze.

There was no doubt that he'd realised how worried I had been about him with him gone. He must have hit on something, because he zipped the bag back up.

"Alright." He nodded. "You're right."

"Good." A woman spoke up. She was armed with a sword. "So what's the plan for now?— Michonne, by the way." She nodded her head my way.

I eyed her attentively before introducing myself, the smallest smile hanging into my lips. "Hayley."

"We don't have a choice but to spend the night out here tonight. It's already getting dark." Rick said. "Tomorrow we'll hunt and hopefully find shelter— everyone on board?"

No objections whatsoever.

A/N: So this was chapter thirty-one. Damn. It's going so fast even though I haven't been writing as much as before because of work. But this book is doing so well and I'm so proud.

So if you're a reader, please comment and let me know.

I'd love to know who read this book and look forward to updates. I appreciate it so much. Never thought this book would actually work out.

We've already hit 1k, and I get more and more reads everyday. So that's a sign that there's actually people who like this book which is still hard to believe to me tbh.

So please do vote, and comment. I'd love to know your thoughts about this chapter (I know it wasn't the best one but the following chapter will definitely make up for it!)

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