"Oh, I most certainly won't," Mrs. Han leaned to my ear and added "Talk to her for a bit. I'll be back.


The corners of Mrs. Kim's lips tugged upwards and coiled into a soft smile. Her eyes flitted around the lobby.

"You'll love the children. They're kind, sweet, talented, and very creative." I said.

"That's pleasant to hear."

It was kind of awkward between Mrs. Kim and I for some reason. I flashed a quizzical smile and she seemed to have read my expression well.

"How did you end up volunteering?" Mrs. Kim queried, her eyes sparkling in interest. We both sat on the couch while facing at each other before I gave an answer.

"Well, I kind of know the feeling of growing up without my mother and only having my father to raise me. It broke my heart even when I had one parent by my side. Imagine having none. I couldn't imagine how much these kids went through at such a young age. I didn't want them to feel they aren't loved, that nobody wants them. Through my actions, I can help them the way I wanted to be helped when I was young."

Mrs. Kim grimaced. I fluttered my lashes in confusion.

"Did. . . I say something offensive Ma'am?"

She shook her head, wiping off a tear from the corner of her eyes. I then knew from the very moment I looked right through her shimmering black orbs that she was a mother in grievous pain. She softly gazed upon me, heavily sighing.

"I. . . I also want the same thing. I-I lost my little boy when he was a baby. He was taken away from me. As a mother, take anything from me, just not my child. He was my world. He was the reason I wanted to live a better life," She paused, biting her lower lip.

"I couldn't imagine what could've happened to my precious baby boy. I don't even know if he's alive or not. All I know is that he might be the same age as you. I've been into different orphanage inside and outside of Seoul to look for him, hoping he might be in one. I searched all my life until visiting turns to volunteering. It became a regular thing for me to do charity work ever since then. But there was never a day, when I come into new orphanages, that I hadn't hope my son was there."

Mrs. Kim's voice was tremulous while she was talking and I couldn't help but empathize. It struck me right in the core. I was a child looking for my mother. She was a mother looking for her child. The pain is killing us both until our very last breaths. Strangling us, our lives on the line. The truth forever running away from us.

"So, here I am." She added, feigning a half-smile.

"Here we are." I answered, putting my hand over hers. "Should we see the children?"

Mrs. Kim chuckled and stood up. I trailed behind her.


"Yes, yes. I will be fine, Jaehyun. For the last time, please stop nagging. I am not your girlfriend nor your child." I groaned.

I heard Jaehyun snort over the line. "I'll end the call, alright?"

"Alright. Again, I'm sorry for not being able to come with you. It's just very urgent. I will make it up to you, okay?"

"Sure. Bye, Jaehyun." I concluded the call.

I was closing my art gallery. Jungwoo and I did a bit cleaning and called the day off.

"Miss Park, thank you for stopping by today. I was about to close the gallery but then you came!" Jungwoo timidly smiled at me. "You're not busy?"

"It's nothing, Jungwoo." I paused. "Not really. I'm going to the Francis Bacon art show later. Want to come with me?"

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