11- Interview With @IsabelleStories- SoccerJock

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11- Interview With @IsabelleStories                                                                                                             


Hi my name is Amber. I’ll be the interviewer for now! Anyway! How many of you know who @IsabelleStories is? Well that’s who I interviewed; now let’s see what she had to say.

Q: How did you find out about Wattpad?

A: I accidentally stumbled across it! LITERALLY! I just typed in something stupid like 'post your stories online' and the first option was Wattpad. From then on... it's always been my outlet.

Q: Can you relate to any of your stories? If so how?

A: I guess I can… I mean, the way Avery is with her desire to travel and be somewhere else... Her craving for adventure was based off of my own. I think I plucked little, meaningless things out of my own personality and enhanced them into her. I guess that’s why she means a lot to me.

Q: Do you have any hobbies outside Wattpad? If so what are they?

A: I am a gymnast and a musician! And I am very active and fit. I love adventure!

Q: Favorite One Direction story to write?

A: Definitely Paris or my new story 'Leave The Window Open'.

Q: What's your favorite 1D fan-fiction on Wattpad now?

A: I absolutely LOVE 'Trapped'... It's a horror fan-fiction, if you can't handle blood, guts, and brutal killings of the boys, then I do not recommend it! the writer is so sweet, and her talent is through the roof!

Q: Did you think your stories would become this popular?

A: NO WAY! I may have explained this before, but I merely posted to get an opinion. It took a gut-load of courage though. But no, I had no idea anything of mine would be this big!

Q: Inspirations for your writings?

A: Places, music, people, conversations.

Q: What's the funniest/most embarrassing thing a fan has asked you?

A: There was this girl at my school, and she's about three years younger than me (year 7) and she came running up to me when she was me in the hallway, and in front of everyone (That DON'T know I write fan-fictions) yelled 'AH MUMMA IZZIE, CAN YOU SIGN MY BOOK!?'. It was so embarrassing!! Lucky not many people heard! But I was frozen in place, I mean, all I do is write, I don't need to sign anything! So I gave her a big hug and told her I’d fan her on here. She's a sweetie!

Q: What character in your stories can you relate to most?

A: Maybe Avery. I think her personality is a little amplified of mine. She's almost real in my mind!

Q: What do you think about the "Larry Stylinson" stuff going around on twitter?

A: Okay, okay. I am the BIGGEST Larry shipper; I ship it as a ROMANCE. NOT A BROMANCE. And I think that everyone that doesn't see the love is seriously delusional. It was rude for Louis to say it was 'Bullshit', and I doubt it was even Louis anyway, in England they don't use the word 'Bullshit' too much. I think Management hacked his account and said those things to throw everyone off. They are trying to put a lid on the whole Larry relationship, but they're beginning to freak out because the Larry shippers know what they're up to.

Q: Do you have a favorite 1D member is so who?

A: It's okay to have a FAVOURITE, but not a LEAST FAVOURITE. My favorite is probably Harry or Niall, but it often changes!

Q: What did you think of LWWY?

A: It's been on repeat on my iPod all day!

Q: How excited are you for Take Me Home to come out?

A: I almost pre-ordered it twice!

Q: What was your reaction to becoming popular on here?

A: Okay, as first I was petrified. I didn't know why, or how, they got this big. But it's an old saying that 'writers can't read their own writing the way the readers can', I see it as jibber jabber and the occasional mixed up words! If my readers say it's good, then I completely trust them!

Q: Do you have any advice for not so popular Wattpad writers?

A: Always have faith in your work!, I know I’ve said that so many times, but you need to be confident in yourself, if you aren't, then you're not going to get far. Having 50 reads doesn't matter. Not even 1,000. Not even a million matters either. As long as you're happy and content with your writing, then that’s all that counts.

Q: Why did you choose to write a 1D fan-fiction?

A: I fell in love with the different plot lines I had created! I love those boys, and a fan-fiction about five boys... perfect!

Q: Any new stories coming up?

A: 'Leave The Window Open' is my JUST OUT new story, and it's got about two chapters up. I've been on a little Hiatus with my writing, and I’m just getting back into it. I lost all my computer documents, so I had to restart LTWO. All is good though! That story is going to (hopefully) be amazing!

Q: If you met the boys what would you say? Would you tell them about your stories?

A: I'd tell them that I love them, and that they've inspired me to be the person that I want to be. I'd tell them that they've made my life a much better and happier place. And then I’d tell them to not ever change for fame. I’d whisper to Harry "He loves you, doesn't he?” I don't think I’d tell them.

Q: Lastly, do you plan on writing for the rest of your life and becoming published?

A: I really hope so. I mean, it's such a HUGE dream, and it's something that’s going to be so hard to achieve. But if I stay of track and work for it... maybe one day I’ll see my book sitting on a book store's shelf. That's the moment I’m waiting for.

Watt-Direction?! Magazine October 2012Where stories live. Discover now