Love Set Aflame

12 0 0

September 22, 2017


There was something intriguingly different about this girl. She stood out beyond the rest without even intentionally aiming to, it was just ingrained within her to be golden amongst the jewels of bronze. She had radiating skin, which was fair, but without any apparent blemish on it. The rosy cheeks enhanced her vibrant, red lips that had an over plumped bottom lip, making her look innocent in an appealing manner. Her hair was embedded to her scalp, growing strands of the finest silk with a beautiful brunette color. Her hair always remained in place with such a smooth, shining texture. Her eyes were the most stunning feature she possessed. They were a forest green mid tone with a ring of silver which illuminated a breathtaking sight. Her nicely arched eyebrows framed her face so confidently. She had the body of a goddess with her perfectly defined hourglass figure and feminine build. Her collar bones and pelvis bones were abnormally noticeable and drew attention to her petite body type. She was more than a work of art, she was a masterpiece.

She smelled more lovely than any earthly, organic garden. Perfume companies would have envied her natural fragrance. It was a faint, heavenly scent that smelt so clean and flowery. My goodness, she had the voice of an angel! She spoke softly but when she sang it echoed without a crack. This girl was beyond gifted and sang such sweet and elegant melodies. Her notes were always on key and are more soothing than any bedtime song.

This girl held her cigarette in such a majestic manner with it in between her index and middle finger and her wrist arched back. The rest of the fingers curved in a feminine grasp around the cigarette. Her hand looked so fragile and delicate I wanted to grasp it before it detached from her wrist. I would watch her inhale in between her parted lips and wished I could be as to such a degrading object as a cigarette. It wasn't a desire, it was a craving I've carried; my lips to touch her precious lips, her perfect lips. I imagined the taste of her lips of the sweetest source of honey. I longed for that enchanting moment for a lifetime. To brush back her fallen strands of hair behind her ear and whisper "I love you". Then to kiss her passionately and without hesitation. To intertwine my tongue like she would wrap her finger around a cigarette. The feeling would have brought me everlasting joy.

But here I face you for my last. Gazing at this irrevocably beautiful constructed work of art for my last sight. I arch my back over the Mahogany wood and lean inward. I reach forward and feel the smooth texture of skin under my thumb as a glide toward the earlobe. My thumb gently glides the hair behind the ear. Then, I lean in deeper encountering the lips I so longed to kiss. I peck an enduring kiss on the colorless lips and then stand back properly. My hand reaches out for the open palm, interlacing my fingers to her cold, bloodless hand. These are the same hands that held that cigarette and these are the same lips that inhaled the tobacco. And this is the dead body of the woman I love. I guess my heart was blind that her lungs were failing.

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