The Ski Trip: Part 2

Start from the beginning

"You guys set up the movie, I'll be back in a bit" Kellie announced.
"Woah, wait where are you going?" Adelaide questioned.
"Just to the main cabin.."
"For what?" Now Alaya was curious. Kellie wasn't one to just leave them. Especially without any explanation.
"Who are you going to see?" Brodie teased.
"No one! Gosh, will you all just leave me alone." She stated defensively, storming out of the cabin.
"Woah, what was that!?" Asked Oscar.
Adelaide and Alaya decided to follow her out to the main cabin, when they heard a knock on their door.
"I'll get it!" Oscar called out running to open the door.
"Oh Mr Harris, uh, come in?" They heard Oscar say from the hallway.
Alaya looked to Adelaide with a confused expression. She walked out to the hall to greet him before he came into the sitting room.
"Babe,what are you doing here?" She angrily questioned.
"You know you can't be here at this time!?"
"I'm doing a routine check!" He stated.
Alaya nodded her head sarcastically.
"Yeh, SURE you are! I know what your really here for." She said suggestively.
"No, no seriously. I'm here for a check" he said, pushing past her.
"Oh. Routine check, my ass!" Alaya whispered sarcastically to herself.
Oscar, Brodie and Adelaide all watched as Mr Harris walked in awkwardly. He stood there looking at all of them for a couple of seconds, not knowing what to say.
"What up bro!?" Brodie said hesitantly in an attempt to ease the awkwardness. Adelaide threw her head back in embarrassment.
"Oh right, yep, I'm good.... man?"
"Jesus Christ" Alaya muttered quickly under her breath, rolling her eyes.
"I just want to check your all here, um boys I know your in the cabin next door just make sure your back there before midnight, ok. Don't want any funny business." They all looked up at him shocked.
"Anyways, Alaya and ah, Adelaide, your here." He said cautiously, almost stepping back away from her. Adelaide raised her eyebrows.
"Where's Kellie?"
"She went to the big cabin, we don't know how long she'll be."
"I was just there, she didn't go in." He said worriedly. The group looked at each other, unsure of what to do.
"Maybe I'll stay here until she comes back, just to make sure she's safe!" He decided.
Alaya was very happy about the idea but the others weren't so sure.
"Put the movie on guys, we'll all just sit here and wait for Kellie." She said.

Oscar shrugged his shoulders and pressed play. There was nothing the group could do about him being there, after all he was their teacher. They sat on the sofas, Brodie and Adelaide sat closely on one side and Oscar stretched out his feet on the other side. Mr Harris and Alaya sat on the other couch. The group wait for the movie to begin. Oscar noticed out of the corner of his eye that Mr Harris had placed his hand on Alaya's knee. He recoiled further into the sofa, covering himself with a blanket and tried to ignore it. But that was when Adelaide noticed that he had started to move his hand down from her knee and in between her thighs. Moving further and further up. Adelaide quickly looked away and shuffled closer to Brodie, trying to keep out of their business. But Brodie whispered into Adelaide's ear,
"I think he just slipped his hand down the back of her trousers, oh yeh, ok um, maybe don't look."
"OK!" Adelaide shrieked, jolting upright. She turned to look at Mr Harris who had jumped back.
"Mr Harris will you kindly help me bring in the hot chocolates" she said through gritted teeth. He stood up hesitantly, following her to the kitchen. Adelaide walked over to the top of the long kitchen table and Mr Harris stood there waiting for a response.

"Look, I know you and Alaya are dating and all that, but it's kind of awkward when you literally can't keep your hands to yourself and Brodie, Oscar and I are in the same room." Mr Harris looked at her shocked, unable to respond.
"I'm sorry I didn't think anyone could see"
"Well it was a little obvious."
"I'm sorry, and look I know that you think I'm a bad person, but, I'm crazy about Alaya! I really appreciate you all supporting us more, you know I think I might be falling in love." He admitted, hanging his head low blushing.
"Listen DYLAN!" Adelaide yelled, holding up a spoon. Mr Harris' eyes widened with fear.
"You hurt my best friend and I hurt you" she threatened, waving the spoon closer to him.
"Adelaide. I'm still your teacher." He said calmly, rolling his eyes.
"Not in THIS scenario your not." She threw the spoon down on the table dramatically.
"Adelaide, yes I am, you can't threaten me..."
"DON'T make me get my bag!" She warned. Mr Harris gasped, stepping back.
"Ok message received, I won't hurt her! Ever! I promise!"
"Well, lucky for you I didn't actually bring my bag, but I WON'T even HESITATE to fling something at you!"
Mr Harris laughed, rubbing his eyes.
"So you gonna help me bring in the hot chocolate or what?" Adelaide asked with a smile. Mr Harris picked up the cups, and followed Adelaide. Before they walked back into the room, Adelaide turned to him.
"Oh and keep it in your pants will ya!"
"Still your teacher" he said shaking his head.

Once they had gotten comfy again and the movie was back playing, Adelaide couldn't help but worry over Kellie. Why was she being so secretive? Where was she? She felt anxious but tried to distract herself by cuddling into Brodie, putting one arm around his chest. He lifted up his arm, allowing her to burrow her way under his armpit and rest her head on his chest. He placed his arm back down around her, pulling her into a tighter grip. Oscar looked over.
"Um I'm sorry. Did I miss something?" He asked almost defensively.
"Oh, Oscar, this is my girlfriend" Brodie said, playfully pointing to Adelaide. She laughed and looked over to Oscar but noticed his mood had shifted.
"That's great" he replied in a monotone voice.
"You guys are so cute" Alaya chirped in, Mr Harris nodded his head.
Brodie laughed but Adelaide couldn't take her eyes of Oscar. After half an hour, Oscar stood up.
"I'm going to find Kellie."
"Oscar you'll freeze out there!" Adelaide said concerned.
"I'll be fine!" He snapped. Adelaide was taken by surprise. She ran out after him, assuring Brodie she'd be back as soon as possible.

She watched as Oscar headed for the bridge over the frozen lake, just beyond the cabins. He stopped on the bridge and looked down at his reflection. She watched him there for a few minutes before slowly walking over to him.
"Hey" she said with a smile.
"Hey, you'll get frostbite out here without a jacket! I like your t-shirt though." he said with a smirk.
"What's up?" She asked, avoiding his attempt at changing the question.
"Nothing, just worried about Kellie. Also Alaya and Mr Harris were at it again so you know!" Adelaide scrunched up her face at the thought of those two being left to their own devices.
"Well. I don't think that's the full truth"
"What are you a therapist" he said laughing.
"Hey! Watch it you" she jokingly warned, punching his arm. Oscar leaned on the wooden pillar of the bridge with his elbows and looked up at the moon. Adelaide rested her head on his shoulders, attempting to get closer to keep warm.
"Also I might have been lying, I knew where Kellie was the whole time."
"What, oh my gosh where?" Adelaide felt a huge sense of relief.
"She's gone to Josh's cabin. They talk a lot but she didn't want to say anything because it's only new!"
Adelaide breathed a huge sigh of relief and laughed.
"Wow, right now I don't know whether I want to kiss you for telling me she was safe or shove you off this bridge for not telling me sooner!" She joked. He turned to look at her.

"Can I pick?"

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