Baby Daddy - Bucky Barnes

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A small smile can't help but touch your lips at his words, "You really think so?"

"I know so. He's different with you. He's my best friend, I know him well enough to know he's going to be so excited to be a father."


After your talk with Steve, you woman-ed up and decided to tell Bucky after dinner. Just a simple, "hey I'm having you baby. No biggie. Hope you're chill with being my baby daddy." No problem.

You can't help but feel a little nervous still. Steve could be totally wrong! Bucky could decide he wants nothing to do with you if you kept the baby. Deep down you knew he would never be truly angry at you, but he didn't have to be in the baby's life if he didn't want to. You try to tell yourself that if he decided he in fact was not down to co-parent, you wouldn't be mad. Yes, you'd be incredibly sad, but you wouldn't take it out on Bucky.

"Hey doll," you hear the front door close. The familiar sounds of Bucky taking off his heavy boots and hanging up his jacket strangely comforting. But this could so possibly be the last time you'd hear those noises in your apartment. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry you chant in your head.

"Hi Buck."

He smiles as he enters the kitchen, "How was your day?" he pulls you gently towards him.

"Um..." you avoid his eyes, "I saw Steve today."

"You went to the tower and chose to see Steve over of me?" he teases.

You roll your eyes, "You were busy today anyways."

"Shuri wouldn't have minded a break," he leans down to kiss you, but you move back slightly. His brow furrows, "Is something wrong? What did Steve do?"

You laugh, "Why do you two always assume the other did something to me?"

"I don't trust that punk—"

You scoff, "Sure Buck sure."


"How's dinner?" you ask like every other night.

"Amazing," he says in between bites.

You laugh, "You think everything Is 'amazing'."

"You're a good cook!" Bucky defends, "Everything you make is delicious."

"Thank you baby." Taking another sip of water, you clear your throat. No better time to tell him.

A moment of silence washes over the two of you, "So...Bucky."

He hums in response.

"I—I gotta talk to you about something."

This catches his attention, "Is something wrong? I knew something was wrong." He sets down his fork.

"Nothing's wrong... but I'm just worried about your reaction to what I gotta tell you."

Silence. "Are—Are you leaving me?"

"What? No of course not! Bucky, you know I love you." You reach for his hand, "It's not that."

He stares down at your entwined fingers, "Then what?"

"I wanted to know about—" you almost chicken out, but taking another deep breath you continue your thoughts, "If you wanted a—a family."

"A family?" His brow furrows in contemplation, "What do you mean?"

You mentally curse him for drawing out this conversation and making you explain yourself, "Like—Like what Clint has. The home, kids. You know like with me."

He continues to stare at you. "Is that what you want?" he asks tentatively.

"Buck, I want to know what you want."

"I mean—I guess? I guess that's what I wanted way back. I haven't thought about it...In the recent years."

Not really the most direct answer.

"So...You do?" You continue pushing him to answer 'yes' or 'no'.

"Is that what you want? Is that what you're telling me? Is this like a hint?"

You sigh, "No James. I'm pregnant."

His eyes go wide, "You're pregnant..." More silence before a giant grin takes over his face. He stares at you in disbelief, "You're really pregnant?"

"Are you...Are you actually happy? You aren't mad?"

"Mad? Why would I be mad? We're having a baby!"

"Steve said—"

"Wait! You told that punk before you told me?"

"I didn't know how you'd react! I assumed you didn't want the nuclear family—"

"Oh god. We're not even married (y/n)."

You laugh, "We don't need to be married Buck."

"Are you sure? Your dad—"

"We're not getting married because we're pregnant Buck."

He frowns, "But I want to marry you."

"James. A baby is not a good reason to get married."

"Fine, but I'll marry you someday (y/n)."

You smile, "Okay. But one thing at a time baby."

Marvel One Shots: Bucky & Steveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن