Another One - Bucky Barnes

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Short Bucky blurb <3 Enjoy

Somehow Bucky had squeezed his way into the hospital bed so the two of you could gaze at the perfect little boy you had made together. You didn't mind that the hospital bed was a tight fit with the two of you, the way Bucky was gazing at your son as he held him, helped you ignore the lack of space.

Your fingers play with the dark brown hair on the little boy's perfect head. You cuddle closer to Buck, enjoying the first of many times you'd cuddle with your boys.

"He's so tiny," Bucky says again, still a tiny bit awestruck that this was his son.

"His fingers are so precious," you coo moving your attention to his hands.

"How did I help make this?" Bucky wonders aloud.

You giggle, "You're going to be a great dad. He's going to be so loved Buck."

Bucky looks over at you, "I don't know (y/n)... I'm going to try—"

"You're going to be amazing. You're such a loving person James. Leave the past behind," you brush away a loose strand of hair that escaped the loose bun in his hair, "he's our future."

Bucky leans in to kiss your lips. He leans his forehead against yours lovingly, "I don't know what I would do without you." He whispers.

"I don't know what I would do without you either," you whisper back. Your baby chooses that moment make a noise, fussing in Bucky's arms.

"Hey little guy," you carefully transfer him into your arms, "You hungry bud?" Bucky adjusts the way he's sitting to watch your son eat. A few minutes of blissful silence fill the room.

"You know what (y/n)?" Bucky breaks the silence first.

You look up at him, "What?"

"I want another one."

You think back to your long labor. A moment passes, "I love you James, but don't touch me for at least two years."

He chuckles, "Awe c' mon. He needs a sibling."

"He's a day-old, James. He doesn't even really know who we are!" You laugh, "A second ago you were contemplating if you would be a good dad and now you want another child?"

"Just imagine (y/n), this one with a little girl. Your eyes, my hair. How cute would that be?"

It is tempting to imagine the picture he's painting, "He can wait a few years. We have time."


Son-of-a-bitch. You think to yourself as you hold the positive pregnancy test. Deep down you knew you two hadn't been safe enough. You continue to stare in disbelief. Pregnant again, only four months after Brayden was born.

"JAMES BUCHANAN BARNES!" you yell running down the staircase, pregnancy test in hand.

Marvel One Shots: Bucky & Steveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें