Perfect Miracle pt 4 - Steve Rogers

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Sorry, this part is sorta short. I felt like I could get away with it since the previous one was so long! More of a blurb I guess :') I'm also working on a You x Dad!Bucky blurb (not Perfect Miracle) so look out for that!

"Your baby is the size of a terrarium." Steve reads off to you. When you found out you were pregnant, Steve had downloaded tons of those cheesy pregnancy apps promoted on expecting parent's blogs. This specific one was a "what size is my baby week to week" app, except the comparisons weren't exactly... normal.

"A terrarium?" you glance down at your stomach, "Does it say what size?"

He glances back down at the phone, "...14.41 inches and 1.93 pounds."

"Huh. Couldn't have picked a better app Steven."

He chuckles, "You have to admit some of them were okay comparisons."

"You mean like the kale smoothie last week or the sriracha bottle the week before that?" You roll your eyes.

He smiles down at the phone, "Exactly. Those two specifically."

You roll your eyes, "This is what happens when you give your elder's technology."

"Hey! I've caught on to using cellular devices (y/n)!" He frowns, that cute little crease between his eyebrows appearing.

"Cellular devices," you imitate him.

He smiles, "Ha-ha, you can make fun of me all you want (y/n). I like this app. It has an expecting dad section."

You giggle. You had to admit Steve's enthusiasm for parenthood was incredibly adorable. "I'm glad you're excited Stevie, but couldn't we have found an app that didn't compare our child to condiments and health drinks?"

"These are objects of your time (y/n)," he points out.

"No one compares babies to kale smoothies Steve in this time. Minus the creators of this app." You say, "Plus your part of this time now." You sit down next to him on your couch, cradling your bump.

He takes your hand lovingly, "Thank God I am. I can't imagine having a life with anyone but you (y/n)."

You feel the tears forming in your eyes, "Stop Steve. You know my hormones are everywhere..."

He wipes away a stray tear, "I mean it though. You and this one here," he plants a hand on your stomach, "are everything I have ever wanted."

Marvel One Shots: Bucky & SteveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ