Perfect Miracle pt 5 - Steve Rogers

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Part 5 is here! I love blushy Steve. I know it's not in character for the current Steve... It's more (he's a gentleman of the 40s ya knoooww) like The First Avenger Steve BUT since Endgame we know he can still be that man (even if it destroys his god damn character development. Can you tell I'm SALTY.) SO enjoy some blushy Steve that doesn't want to talk about fondueing in front of the inlaws (and also is really excited to be a dad!)

"We're going to be late Steven!" you call up the stairs. You tap your foot impatiently as he takes up more time. What on earth could he be doing up there...Since when did his hair routine take longer than a couple of minutes?

"I'm coming I'm coming..." he hurries down the staircase; hair combed back with a few strands escaping, dark blue tie and light blue shirt flawless (if not a bit tight).

"You took longer than usual," you comment. You had thought Brunch with your parents would be no big deal. Casual, minus the fact that you were going to tell them the big secret. But really...not a big deal! Apparently, Steve thought otherwise based on his appearance.

"I had to look nice for...this...I want your parents to know I'm responsible—"

"Steve, my parents adore you. You know they adore you." You giggle at your husbands' antics.

"But your father...I—I did this to you."

You grin, "We're married. I don't think they'll be too shocked we have sex."

"(y/n)." You loved how pink he got when your sex life was mentioned. Captain America was big and strong, but he was so easily embarrassed.

"We're having a baby; they aren't going to be upset." You smile up at him, placing your hand on his cheek.

"I'm just nervous... I've never done this—"

You cut him off again, "Neither have I, but I can guarantee you that my dad and my mom will be swept up in the idea of being grandparents to care that we did anything... naughty."

"Please don't say anything like that at brunch."

You grin, "Like what?"

"Anything about how we made this baby." His fingers run across your flat stomach.

"Well if I knew exactly which time—"

"Okay. None of the times we possibly could have made this baby."

Giggling you walk towards your front door, "I'll try."


"Mom! Dad!" Your parents stand up to greet the two of you.

"(y/n)!" Your mom hugs you tightly, while your dad shakes Steve's hand. Then your mom hugs Steve while your dad hugs you.

"How are you?" your dad asks you after kissing your forehead.

You want to tell him everything, but you hold yourself back, "I'm good. We're good."

He smiles, "I'm glad."

All four of you sit down, exchanging small talk about the weather, the local sports teams, and Avengers stuff. 

"So, Steve, any new stories?" Your dad's especially curious about the doings of Earth's mightiest heroes. He'd been fascinated since the team was introduced to the world in New York.

Steve chuckles good-naturedly, "Nothing recently. Stark's been working on updates on the tower. Wants (y/n) and I to move in once he's done."

"Which I've politely declined multiple times." You butt in.

Steve chuckles, "He keeps insisting it's a great floor. Complete privacy and all that. But I've told him repeatedly we're fine in our house."

"Your house is perfect with the big backyard and that cozy little living room off the kitchen. So much room to start a family." You want to laugh aloud at your mother's lack of subtlety. She's going to be so happy once you get around to telling her. You look over at Steve, who's squirming in his seat. Trying to keep his cool.

"Yeah, it's pretty nice." You comment coolly, sipping from your water glass.

"I'm going to get the waiters attention," Steve blurts out, waving towards the young woman.

"Are you ready to order?" she asks.

"Yeah. I'll have the All-American breakfast." Steve hands her his menu. You stifle a laugh into your napkin. That's what you had earlier this morning.

Your dad orders the same as Steve, and your mom orders an omelet.

"I'll have..." you glance at the menu quickly. What sounds good that won't make you sick? "The chocolate croissant with a side of hash browns please."

You again start up small talk about your mother's small business and your father's new gardening hobby.

The food comes and the table quiets down as you begin to eat. No better time than the present to tell them.

Glancing at Steve you take his hand, "Mom, Dad..."

"You're pregnant." Your mom doesn't even look up from her omelet, taking another bite.

"What?" You, Steve and your father say in union.

"How did you know?" you stare at her.

"Lucky guess," she smiles at you, "Plus have you not noticed the way Steve's been squirming around in his seat?"

You laugh, "He was so nervous this morning."

"You're pregnant! You've been married what... almost half a year now?"

"Yes... I mean this wasn't planned—"

Steve interrupts you, "Mr. & Mrs. (y/l/n), (y/n) found out when I was on my last month-long mission."

"This is great news," your dad looks genuinely happy.

"We think so too," Steve says smiling at you. His thumb draws small circles on your hand as you continue your breakfast.

You mom glances at you and Steve for a split second, her smile warm. This is the life you had begun to dream of when you had met Steve. You can't believe you were lucky enough to have your wildest dream come true.

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