Chapter 3- Celeste's overwhelmed emotions! Danger arrives in Magnolia!

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"Well… Anyway…" Makarov cleared his throat, a blush still present on his face and his ear still stinging from when Porlyusica pulled at it. "Now that you're an active part of Fairy Tail, you will receive the guild mark as well as get an explanation of the guild's rules." He told her seriously before looking at Gray and Natsu. "Boys, please leave the room. Erza, you can stay."

Natsu pouted at that. "Oi, what do you mean with that old man! I wanna stay as well!"

Gray narrowed his eyes seriously and looked at his sister. "Cel…"

Celeste bit on her lip, but nodded, trusting Erza and Makarov enough already. "Don't worry Nii-san. It's alright."

Gray nodded uncertain at that before pulling the angry rambling fire dragon slayer outside. "Come on, flame brain. We will wait outside."

"But I don't want to stay outside-" Natsu just protested before the door closed behind them.

It was silent for a moment before Porlyusica sighed. "I will also take my leave now. I already stayed way too long." And with that she also left the room quickly after Makarov dismissed her with a nod.

Erza then shot a serious look at the door, making sure Natsu and Gray weren't listening before she turned to Makarov. "Master… Why did you want me to stay?"

"We will come to that in a minute." Makarov told her seriously before looking at the slightly nervous Celeste, who was still wrapped up in the blanket. "Child… I believe there's something you didn't tell us."

Celeste bit on her lip at that before nodding sternly after she shot a short look at the door. "Yes, three things actually. But I didn't want Nii-san to get to know this yet… Nor… Natsu was his name right?... Nor him to find out about the third task that was given to me by Ankhseram-sama…"

"…Can you tell it to us?" Makarov asked her seriously, not wanting to press her further after she already revealed so much to them.

Celeste froze at that for a moment before nodding. She took a deep breath. "After I reported to Ankhseram-sama about everything I was able to find out about Abbadon's plans that I can't reveal to you… He gave me a second and third task. The second task was to make sure I would ruin Abbadon's plans… what I was able to do. But now Abbadon has made a second more thought out plan that let's me believe not just he is doing this… At least one other lord of the underworld has to help him… So I have to start by square one again and it will be even more dangerous than the first time…" She glanced at her arm as she paused for a short moment before looking seriously at Erza and Makarov. "The third task is not connected to the first or second whatsoever… And is the only one I certainly know I can do. I don't just need to, I want to protect the dragon slayers, the descendants of the dragons at all cost! All ancient beings that were once neutral or allies of the Heavenly forces are under my protection after I find them." Celeste told them determined.

Makarov smiled at that. "Ah, I see. Then it makes sense that you didn't want Natsu to hear it. He wouldn't want that kind of thing."

Erza nodded in agreement with a fond smile. "True. He certainly is too stubborn to accept that."

Celeste gave them a small smile at that. "Then you know why I didn't tell it right away. Dragons were always known to be stubborn creatures. If they once got something in their head, be it a good or bad goal, it's very hard to get them to let go of it. Most of them also are lovers of fighting, what isn't exactly good most of the times."

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