Chapter 2

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At the forest of the uncolonized island, they sent a drop pod filled with 15 rifleman squads, 4 missile squads, 3 zone enforcers, and 2 zone troopers (C&C3) down to deploy troops. As they landed, they encountered a pack of Beowolves and Ursa that came out from hiding. They started shooting everywhere in their sights. Two zone troopers fired at a major Ursa, powerful enough to kill it. A few Beowolves charged at the rifleman squads, but they were gunned down easily. Then, two medium-sized Nevermores came to attack them, only to be shot down by missile squads. Zone enforcers kept shooting at the Grimms in different directions. Once they finished killing all the Grimms, they called down a drop pod to send an MCV to establish the base. A large drop pod landed on the ground, and an MCV emerged from it to establish the base. It found a good spot and turned into a construction yard to build more structures and defenses. With enough resources and materials, they started constructing defenses like watchtowers, guardians, AA batteries, and foxholes around the base.

Few minutes later...

A V-35 Ox came to land and opens it to see Jaune is wearing a GDI commander combat suit.

A V-35 Ox came to land and opens it to see Jaune is wearing a GDI commander combat suit

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He checked around the base and found that it was already established. The walls and defenses were being set up for their security. They constructed more power plants needed for the power of both structures and defenses. Jaune went to the headquarters, which was a replica of Evelyn Rios's headquarters back on Earth. He went inside his own office room to sit down and relax a bit. Then, a zone captain came to the door. Jaune saw that his left eye had a scar from battle, a shaved beard, and bald hair. The zone captain's name was Joseph McKellen, a tough-looking British man who was skilled at leading his zone squads against the Forgotten, Nod, and the Scrin. He spoke to Jaune with a British accent.

Joseph: Sir, I have to inform you that there's a village here on this island, and it's been overrun by the Grimm.

Jaune: Send troops to defend them. We should be ready to show those people how we fight the enemy.

Joseph: Aye, sir.

He left to take a V-35 Ox along with his squad to save the village from the Grimms. Meanwhile, Jaune was sitting there until Sara appeared on the desk. Jaune spoke to her.

Jaune: Sara.

Sara: Yes, Commander?

Jaune: Hack the system on every CCT and Atlas computer system. We need to know everything in this world.

Sara: Roger that, Commander.

Jaune: Please, call me by my name. We're friends, after all.

Sara: giggled Sure thing.

She said as she disappeared from his desk to start hacking into the CCT systems to listen to communications and infiltrate the Atlas computer systems to gather information on projects and activities.

Objective: Protect the villagers from the grimm.

The entire village was engulfed in flames as a Beowolf howled, calling more of its pack. Villagers ran for their lives, seeking shelter, but more Grimms attacked them. The militia tried their best to fend them off, but their numbers were too few, and they couldn't handle the onslaught. A cat Faunus woman held her human son protectively, trying to shield him from a Beowolf about to strike. The situation seemed dire until a gunshot echoed through the air.

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