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namjoon's point of view
tears start to fall as i separate from her. i kept thinking.. i could've been there for her 5 years ago. i could've prevented what happened. maybe if i just told her i will leave. maybe if i wasn't such a coward.. i cry as i think if the moments we've had 5 years ago.. those moments that i couldn't forget.. those moments that changed my life.

i cry more as the sound of rain drops fall on my head.. and i cry more remembering our first encounter.. that sweet encounter that i wish i could relive. i remember always meeting her in the rain. that sound.. the calming sound that would help me calm down at night when i would cry missing her. she was my best friend.. the person who i trusted the most. she was the first person to make me feel so many emotions.

the day i realized i was inlove with my best friend, was when i was about to leave. i didn't want to leave her but i had no choice.. i've told my members about her and i've been looking for her even during my trainee days. now that i have, i feel like i'm too late because now, she can't even remember me..

i come home drenched in water from the rain. the members came running to me asking me questions and all i could say was..
'she doesn't remember me..'
before going upstairs leaving them clueless.

to be continued..

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