Chapter 2 - Three Old Ladies Knit the Socks of Death

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The next few days were a blur of training, meals, campfires and sleeping. Only one memory really stood out.

           I had been walking down to Thalia's tree to say hello, and as I passed the Big House, I accidentally overheard a conversation between Mr. D and Chiron. I only caught a few words, but what I did hear went something like this: "Stolen… this Jackson boy…Summer Solstice… "

         What was going on? From what I had gathered, something had been stolen, something bad was going to happen on the Summer Solstice, and it all had to do with some guy named Jackson. But the questions were, what was stolen? What was going to happen? And who was this Jackson guy? I realized I would probably never find out, but that thought just made me all the more curious. See, that's one of the few downsides to being a child of Athena. When it comes to curiosity, we're all as bad as Alice.

       I spent the next few days pondering what I had heard. I just couldn't piece it together. Everything seemed fine… except the weather, which had been weird. But… what did that have to do with stolen property? I hate to admit this, but I had no idea what was going on.

      I went to bed that night with a tired, overworked and disappointed mind, completely unaware that my entire life would soon turn upside down.

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