'Why are you doing this?' Carmina interjected before I could respond.

'Because of your hero here.' Mickey's gaze fell onto Lara, who stood confident and unfazed. 'Until you showed up everything was running smoothly. But you, you've become a fucking problem. Taking from us, throwing everything out of balance.' Mickey walked straight into Lara's personal space until the two were practically nose to nose. Lou hopped down from the back of the car, fiddling with the grenade in her hand.

'I think we should just kill 'em.' The woman in pink interrupted, tugging the pin out of the grenade violently.

'No. Hold on. We don't want any martyrs here.' Mickey waived her sister down swiftly before continuing to address Lara. 'What we want is to make sure everyone understands that your help is a curse.' Lara didn't respond, he face stoic. 'Every person you help, every child you inspire, every settlement you build we will take from you.' Approaching Carmina, Mickey stabbed a finger right into her chest. 'And when you've got nothing, we'll come for you.' Mickey glared at me but my eye line was drawn to Lou who had shoved the now active grenade into one of the children's hands. She paused for a moment, waiting to see if I would do anything but I stayed put with my hands in my pockets. A wry smirk flashed across her face and I could tell an idea had spawned in her mind. It was for later though.

'Don't drop it.' Lou smirked at the young boy whose fingers trembled uncontrollably. Tossing the pin in the air, Lou watched her twin catch it and headed back to the truck.

'The only currency in this world is power. You, you made us look weak. That ends now. We are going to take everything you hold dear.' Mickey yelled in Lara's face but still the Captain didn't budge. Mickey's gaze fell onto Prosperity in the distance. 'Starting with your home.'

'And if we can't take it, we'll break it.' Lou chimed in, standing in the back of car proudly. Mickey took a moment before chucking the key to Lara who caught it expertly in her hand.

'Don't be here when we come back.' She warned before joining her twin in the back of the car. As the highwaymen drove off, the tensions surrounding us dissipated and Carmina outstretched her arms to the kids.

'C'mere, c'mere!' She beckoned them to her and they rushed over, gripping onto her. 'Oh my God, oh my God.' Her breath was ragged and I could see the colour draining from her face. Placing a sturdy hand on her shoulder for support, I watched Lara secure the grenade in young boys' hands as frightened tears streamed down his cheeks.

'Get them back. This is far from over.' I instructed, leaning down to Carmina's ear before she could take off. 'Calm down, you'll freak them out more.' Taking in my words, she swallowed and nodded before ushering the children back towards Prosperity. Lara stood stock still, staring at the spot where Mickey had been right before her. 'We need to move.' Grabbing her by the back of her coat hood, I tugged her along without another word.


As evening arrived, Prosperity was busy with people preparing weaponry and fortifying defences. The children were shut inside the rooms on the veranda to stay safe. I'd taken the picture of Harlow that was pinned on the map in my office and placed it in my jacket pocket for safe keeping. Armed with a machine gun, I found myself waiting on the ramparts with Nick and Carmina. Rush had sent Lara ahead to check in with the scouts but we could already hear engines juddering in the distance.

'Carmina if you're scared-' Nick started.

'I'm not scared.' She replied, assault rifle already pointed out over the wooden boundaries. Her face was calm, collected and ready to fight.

Judgement (John Seed X Deputy OC)Where stories live. Discover now