Chapter 11

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A warning sign is seen flashing before showing a green check mark implying that something went successfully well. "I did it! I actually did it!" said Tony who was watching a percentage bar going up all the way 100%. The bar had the words "Plutonium has successfully been drained", before showing the words "earth's entire ocean water has been successfully drained", and finally ending it on with "the energy of the earth's molten core is being drained; current percent: 60%". Tony was bouncing up and down in joy at what he was seeing. "Hehehe...I, Anthony von Rudolph aka zhe Black Leader, has successfully drained zhe earth of its natural resources. The only zhing else to do is vait till zhe percentage of draining zhe molten core iz complete. Soon afterwards zhere von't anyzhing left zhis entire planet und I vill rule vith an iron fist!" said Tony before laughing evilly in happiness. Tony then sits down on the ground with a smile on his before suddenly getting up again, but this time there was something that was off.

"Vait a minute......zhere von't be anyzhing left?" asked Tony who looked confused. Tony looks up at the huge monitor screen that displays many percentage bars along with a holographic overview of the earth that has a couple of notes around it. "So.....I've managed to drain all zhe oceans, taking out zhe surrounding elements zhat are on some table, along vith drilling zhrough zhe earth's crest und slowly obtains zhe energy of zhe molten core vith a large special drill that's basically protected from hot lava only to find out zhat zhere von't be anyzhing left. Oh, I see it now. I see it nice and clearly" said Tony before collapsing onto his knees. "I can't believe this, but it's actually the truth. I did all of the steps to the plan and.....this is the result. It's over, it's completely over" said Tony as a tear came from his eye before rolling down his cheek and drooping onto the floor. Without even noticing, a lieutenant walked up to Tony before gently and slowly patting him on the back as an effort to comfort him. "There there sir, it's okay. Hmm....that's it! Maybe we could....uhh what are you doing?" asked the lieutenant while watching Tony get up off of the ground.

Tony then walks back over to the monitor before pressing a couple of buttons on a nearby control panel. Suddenly another percent bar appeared on the screen before displaying the words "now processing on draining all nuclear power from around the globe". In about 30 seconds, the bar was already up to 100%. "Oh it's not zhe same. I honesty felt nozhing from zhat, completely nozhing. Zhere has to be somezhing else zhat's even more exciting to do und it von't leave me in a broken state like zhis" said Tony. Tony then walks over to his chair and sat on it as he leaned back while letting out a heavy sigh of disappointment. "Oh I vould do anyzhing zhat vill make me happy. I'll be villing to do it regardless if it's going to kill me or not" said Tony.


"Matt, you've been staring at the sky more than actually focusing on a plan that might probably defeat Tony" said Edd. "Yeah, about that. Have you noticed anything off with the sky lately?" asked Matt while turning to face Edd. "Not really. Is there something wrong?" asked Edd. "Well you might as well take a look for yourself" said Matt. Edd looks out the window only to gasp. "No way.....why is the sky cloudy and way is part it upwards appear brown?" asked Edd while taking his eyes off of the window to look at Matt.

"I'm not sure. Whatever it is, it doesn't look good" said Matt. "I think I have an answer" said Future Edd who came up to Edd and Matt. "Huh? You do?" asked Edd. "Yes. Once as we got back to the Red Army base, I had Tom, well Future Tom, scan the sky since I noticed that during that helicopter ride that Matt has been looking at it. According to what he scanned, you know the layers that covers the entire earth right?" asked Future Edd. "Yeah, what about them?" asked Matt. "Well those layers of each sphere are dissolving and not in a good way. Future Tom also said that he gotten data stating that the earth's elements and energy from the molten core are being drained by Tony. I may not know much about science physics, but I have a feeling that he'll eventually destroy the ozone layer which protects the earth from the flaming hot rays of the sun" said Future Edd.

"Oh my.....we need to stop him" said Edd. "But wait, you just can't kill him. He doesn't mean it though" said Matt. "He broke your mirror, Matt. What's even worse is that he dumped crates of cola into lava!" said Edd. "Yeah......but he's seems lonely and he wants friends that care" said Matt. "Lonely? He didn't seem lonely to me. there anything that we can do to prevent the ozone layer from getting destroyed?" asked Edd. "In a way yes. While being imprisoned in his base, one of his top leading scientists was busy building a spaceship and when they left to go somewhere else, they forgot to take the blueprints with them. The blueprints revealed a powerful drill which can penetrate the earth's crest in one hit and it's similar to that of a death ray. Despite it being an inspiration to the multiple drills that were used to drain the earth of its resources, it has a weakness. If one were to dismantle it in anyway shape or form than it won't be able to work" said Future Edd.

"Okay. If we were to destroy it than what will happen?" asked Edd. "If it were to be destroyed, one must go to the core of the spaceship and offset its many turbines. Once destroyed, the entire spaceship will blow up due to how much elements it consumed causing it to implode" said Future Edd. "Sounds dangerous, but it's worth a try. Matt and I will be the ones to do it" said Edd. "Yeah....sure" said Matt as he ended his sentence a bit unhappy. "We found you guys a pod that will directly take you to outer space" said Future Matt while walking up to Edd and Matt. "Alright, it's time for operation destroy the large drill and save the world. Let's get it on" said Edd.

[Operation: Save The World Starts......Now] 

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