Chapter 4

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"He then said "hey Matt! I don't hate you?" and then I said "yay, I'm popular!", before he add on to say "no I mean just" only for me to interrupt him by saying "popular!". It was quite comical yet hilarious that it should've been recorded" said Matt as Tony was laughing at his story. "Yeah Matt we know, because we were there" said Tom. "Oh come on Tom, it was pretty funny" said Edd. "Oh hey Edd, can I talk to you for a quick minute?" asked Tom. "Uh sure thing" said Edd. Both Edd and Tom went into another room where they can talk privately without anyone hearing them.

"Uh Edd, have you seen anything suspicious lately?" asked Tom. "Suspicious? What do you mean?" asked Edd. "I mean that ever since Matt brought Tony to the apartment, he's been acting kinda off" said Tom. "What? Tom, I know we just met Tony, but I think you're overreacting a little" said Edd. "Overreacting!? How can I be overreacting? When Tony sat down on the couch with me, he sounded a little bit weird" said Tom. "What did he even say to you?" asked Edd. "Nothing really, he just asked me where we used to live which would be, 27 Durdam Lane. Don't you find that kinda strange?" asked Tom. "No, he was just wondering because he probably lives a couple of doors down on the same street as us" said Edd. "Yeah maybe, but just how he asked me and replied after I told him just really rubbed me the wrong the way" said Tom. "Listen Tom, I know you don't seem very welcoming towards Tony but please, you need to let go on what you're thinking" said Edd before leaving the room. "Edd's right, maybe I am overreacting. I need a walk" said Tom.


"Ah excellent, you brought the uranium that I asked you to get" said a scientist. "Yes we did. We've stolen a lot of crates filled with it at the Red Army base" said Yamiyo. "Red Army you say? Hmm, I swear I've heard that name before" said the scientist. "You do? What do you know about them?" asked Yamiyo. "Oh many things" said the scientist. "Commander Yamiyo, the Black Leader wants me to inform you that he is holding a meeting and he expects you to be there" said a soldier. "Tell him that I'll be on my way" said Yamiyo as the soldier saluted to her.

~At The Meeting~

"Alright soldiers, it's time for our annual meeting or should I say....uhh....I really don't have another name for zhis actually, but zhat's not zhe point. Zhe reason vhy I called you all here iz because recently ve drained about half zhe earth's elements und by elements I mean zhe ones on zhe periodic table" said Tony while showing the Black Army a periodic table on a large screen. "Sir....I know that you want to drain the earth of its resources through a couple of special drills, but what are you going to use those stolen elements on?" asked the scientist. "Oh zhat's simple. I'm going to use zhose elements for....uhh...on...vell somezhing, but I don't know vhat. Oh! Zhat reminds me, all of jou in zhis room probably have some good ideas. Vhy not jou share it all out? Come on, speak up. Don't be afraid, zhere aren't any vrong answers" said Tony as he was sitting up. The soldiers of the Black Army only stood in silence as their leader grows tired of waiting and decided to do something differently. "Jou know vhat....I'm just gonna call on someone randomly. Starting vith jou....Wilson" said Tony while pointing at the soldier with a name tag that reads "Wilson". " Oh....uhh....maybe we can use those elements to create a big pink, well purple, elephant and use to....uhh... step on things" said Wilson nervously. "Hmm......SEND HIM TO ZHE REHAB CHAMBERS!!!" yelled Tony as a guard took Wilson out of the room. "No, no, no, wait! I was just kidding!" begged Wilson while getting dragged away. "Anyone else? How about jou George?" asked Tony. "Uhh...I suggest that we should create a giant ham sandwich" said George. "Do jou mean a posion giant ham sandwich or.....multiple normal sized ham sandwiches zhat contain posion in zhem?" asked Tony who seemed interested in the idea a little. "Oh heavens no, not poison!.... I mean an actual ham sandwich. I'm starting to get really hungry" said George who was rubbing his stomach a bit.

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