Chapter 9

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"I don't think that this was a good idea Matt. I mean look at how high up we are and besides it's cold on this mountain" said Edd while shivering to simulate the word "cold". "I know Edd, I know, but it was worth it get a GPS. Now I found that there is something hidden in this mountain" said Matt. "How could you possibly find something that's basically covered in snow?" asked Edd. "That's simple! You follow the map that was programmed into the GPS. Oh hey, I found it already" said Matt. Both Edd and Matt found a large door and made of metal at the side of mountain. "Now if I were a large closed metal door, where would my switch be?" asked Matt who was looking for a way to open the door.

"Matt, I don't think that there's a to open- oh hey, I found a lever" said Edd. Edd pulls the lever causing the metal door to open. "Nice one Edd! Now let's see where this door leads us to" said Matt. "It will probably lead us inside the mountain and to its molten core" said Edd. Edd and Matt went through the door and were given quite a surprise. Inside the mountain happened to be a full entire base complete with corridors.

"Uh Matt, I don't think it was a great idea to go inside. I mean what if we get caught?" asked Edd. "Oh relax Edd. I guarantee you that's not going to happen" said Matt. Suddenly a row of soldiers appeared and pointed their guns at both Edd and Matt. "Soldiers don't bother on shooting these two........outsiders just yet" said Yamiyo who came into the scene. "Oh hi there, nice to meet you. Uh thanks for saving us....hehe" said Edd while smiling nervously. Yamiyo didn't say anything but only snapped her fingers making three soldiers appear.

"You three take these two lovely people to their cell" said Yamiyo. The three soldiers did what they were told to and took Edd and Matt with them. "Say......uh...Banana, you have a nice name. Is that like your code name or something?" asked Matt. "No, it's not. My real name is Bryan" said Banana. "Oh okay what about you two other soldiers?" asked Matt. "My name actually is Ralph which matches with the name Raspberry" said Raspberry.

"And my name is Stephen which doesn't start with a b as in Blueberry" said Blueberry. "Cool" said Matt. "Uh Matt, I hate to break this little conversation up, but we're about to become prisoners like we were before. Well technically with Tord, we weren't, but now we're definitely prisoners" said Edd. "Nonsense, we can always escape" said Matt. "Alright we're here, now get inside- oh you got to be kidding me" said Blueberry. "How did they get inside this cell? Just how!?" asked Raspberry.

"Oh it's not that bad you guys. Look there's board games" said Banana. "Shut up Bryan!!!!" yelled Blueberry and Raspberry in unison. "Where are we going?" asked Matt while running along side with Edd. "Uh down this hall. I don't know" said Edd. Eventually Edd and Matt went into a different area which appeared larger and had a lava-like waterfall behind a throne while lava could be seen under the flooring. "Hey we're in the mountain's core" said Matt.

"Yeah, but this room appears to be where this whole show is coming from" said Edd. Before they could do anything, they suddenly heard some loud crashing noises along with some angry yelling that sounded like it was in German. The yelling and noises stopped once a familiar face came into the room while wearing a bathrobe and holding a mug in his hands. "Tony! Boy aren't we glad to see you" said Matt happily. "Edd? Matt? What are you two doing here?" asked Tony who seemed surprised to see them both. "We have the same question for you. What's with the bathrobe?" asked Edd.

"Oh this? I just came out of a shower. Didn't you see my outfit on that throne over there?" asked Tony before taking a sip of out of his mug. "Oh really? I guess we didn't see it. What are you drinking?" asked Matt. "Hot chocolate. Anyway, I'll be getting my outfit on, so don't look till I tell you that I'm done" said Tony. Tony then walks passed Edd and Matt to walk up the many stairs leading to the throne as Edd and Matt were covering their eyes. "Okay, you guys can look now" said Tony. "Nice outfit you got there. I really like the helmet addition" said Edd.

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