I'm Sorry

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Ahhh this is like the almost last part and I cry 

He opened his eyes for a split second just to see who it was. 

"Oh, hi Jenny." He managed to say as his eyes sort of fluttered as he tried to wake up fully. Jenny reached her hand to take his as she stood above him.

"You alright?" She asked him. She then felt his hand squeeze hers tightly.

"Yeah." He mumbled. He suddenly coughed and his grip on her hand loosened. His eyes then opened all the way.

"I'm sorry, so sorry." He said to her softly. Jenny looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about?" Jenny asked him. Suddenly Alec's hand started to shake. Jenny looked down at his hand and then back at him.

"Alec?" She questioned him now. A sort of panic came to her head as she thought of what could be happening to him.

"Finish the case, ok," He told her very firmly as his hand continued to shake. Jenny's eyes widened in fear.

"What do you mean 'finish the case'? You have to finish it, it's yours to finish, not mine." Jenny told him.

"Please Jenny; I'm not going to let the Latimer's down, not now." Alec told Jenny. She then noticed that his eyes were starting to flutter again.

"No... You can't." Jenny's voice began to quaver slightly and she felt tears coming to her eyes.

"And if you ever get a chance, tell my daughter that I'm sorry." Alec said to Jenny. Tears flowed freely down Jenny's face now and she found that she was the one that had been shaking this whole time.

"I'm sorry Alec... I didn't mean for any of this to happen but you have to get up, you have to come home and-and get better. Please..." Jenny said quickly, it was the only way she could get it all out now. She felt his grip soften a lot.

"I'm sorry."

That was Alec's last word. Jenny watched as his eyes closed for the final time. She looked at him with confusion and shock, too scared for words. His hand had let go of hers and was hanging by his side.

A nurse entered the room and dropped her glass of water that had been intended for Alec.

"Oh my god. What happened?" The nurse asked quickly as she ran over to his bedside and started fiddling with wires and computers. She didn't even wait for a response from Jenny. Jenny just stood up and sat in the chair next to Alec's body, tears running down her face. She watched as the nurse ran out of the room and got a doctor who came in and checked everything in the room.

Throughout the whole day Jenny sat in the same seat next to his body crying. People came in and out of the room, mostly Doctors and nurses. They just kept running tests.

That evening, when Jenny thought that there weren't any more tears to cry, someone walked into the room.

"You alright?" Jenny turned and noticed DS Miller kneeling beside her, tears stained her face too. Jenny shook her head.

"I stood there and watched him die, I could've done something, I could've gotten someone to help, and it's my fault... it's my fault..." Jenny said as the tears came back. Ellie reached up and gave her a hug. Jenny cried into her shoulder quietly as Ellie patted her on the back.

"It's not, you couldn't do anything and you know what, you got him here and they did all they could to help him." Ellie told her as tears started to run down her face too.

"Come on, I'll buy you chips ok?" Ellie told Jenny as she released herself from their hug. She gave Jenny a small smile of encouragement and Jenny looked at her and then nodded.

"Just give me a moment, ok?" Jenny asked Ellie as they both stood up. Ellie nodded and walked back out the door and talked to a nurse.

Jenny walked over to Alec's body and reached down and picked up his hand. She squeezed it tightly and patted it with her other hand. She bit her lip to hold back the tears that were still trying to come up.

"Thank you so, so much, for everything. I'm so sorry this had to happen to you..." She mumbled to herself. She knew that Alec couldn't hear her but she could've sworn that she felt his hand grip hers for just a split second.

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