I Wish She'd Take It Easy

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And here it is, sort of the beginning of the end. There is three other parts of the story to be published after this one and I am greatly happy with the outcome of the story. Thank you so much for 4 votes! Enjoy this next part. 

Chloe walked in.

"Hey." She greeted everyone.

"Hi Chloe. What can I do for you?" Becca asked Chloe. Jenny sat up in her chair and watched them. Chloe's eyes shot over to her for a split second and then back to Becca.

"I was wondering if I could help. I haven't been here in a long time." Chloe said. Becca took her head back in shock.

"Oh sweetie, you don't have to be here you know." Becca told Chloe. She shook her head.

"I know but I want to be." She insisted. She then walked over to the front desk in the hall and stood behind it. She started to look through the weekend bookings and made marks of them. Becca looked at Chloe from a distance in sorrow.

"I wish she would take it easy." Becca mumbled. Jenny turned back to sit in her chair properly.

"Sometimes after something tragic happens you just don't want to think about it. Keeping busy is the best way to do that." Jenny said as she thought to herself. Becca looked at Jenny.

"You alright?" She asked her. Jenny never lifted her head when she answered.

"Yeah..." She said quietly.

"Fine." She finished. Jenny then got up and walked quickly out of the pub and into the street.

Down at the shore, sitting on the beach, was Alec. He sat staring at the waves as they pounded against the sand. Each and every time he found himself thinking of a ticking sound.

Jenny made her way down the shore, kicking sand up in her trail. The sand on her bare feet was soothing and she found herself staring down at her prints as she walked.

The only reason she had left was because she found herself thinking too much about John, how much she missed him was practically to the moon and back. She would've done anything to be with him right now, just the two of them walking down the shore line together. Instead, she was walking alone, just her and her thoughts.

After awhile she got tired of looking at her foot prints and she lifted her head to look down further. She noticed a figure lying on the beach up ahead. She squinted her eyes to try to make out the body. She gave up on this and continued towards it. The closer she came she became frightened. 'Who could the body be?' She wondered. Soon she came to a distance from where she could safely distinguish the body. She stopped in her path, too scared to say anything.

It was Alec, splayed out on the sand. He wasn't disturbing anything around him and that frightened Jenny more.

She fell to her knees and crawled over to him. He was completely knocked out but was still breathing. She reached into his jacket pocket with shaky hands to take his phone. There had to be a contact she could use, someone, well anyone that could help.

She pulled out the phone and turned it on. Her hands still shook as she scrolled down his contacts. There was a lot Jenny noticed and weirdly, none other than Ellie that she recognised from Broadchurch. She kept going and saw a name of a detective. Jenny clicked on it and noticed that it was the one from up at the station, Alec's boss. She decided it was the best one to go with. She clicked the call button and put the phone to her ear as it rang.

"Hello?" A voice came from the other line. Jenny wiped a strand of hair from her face as she prepared herself to speak.

"Hello, its Jenny. I'm on the beach, I've found DI Hardy on the beach, and he's knocked out. Can you call someone, quickly?" Jenny told her as she stared around the beach trying to see if there was anyone that was closer. There wasn't a person in sight.

"DI Hardy?" The voice asked.

"Yes! DI Hardy! Get down here now! Please! You have to help him!" Jenny yelled in to the phone. The panic was rising inside her now.

"Ok, I'll send someone down now." The voice answered.

"Quickly!" Jenny yelled again as a tear rolled down her face. "Quickly..." She trailed off. The person on the other line had hung up. Jenny pulled her hand away from her ear and turned off the phone. She then looked down at Alec and reached back into his jacket pocket. She placed his phone back.

Minute by minute, time flew by. Jenny continued to kneel by Alec as she waited for help to come. The wind had picked up and the tide was coming in now.

"Hurry..." Jenny mumbled repeatedly to herself. Soon she heard sirens and she turned quickly around to see paramedics rushing down the beach. Jenny looked down at Alec and then stood up making way for the medics to do their work. She stood there in silence as she watched.

First Friendly FaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora