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Jason POV

Sarah: Jason?

Beth: We know your in there.

My reputation has plummeted in the last few hours, just from one wild card. No matter, I guess I'll just lie low till this blows over. Yes, with my two loyal companions.

Jason: You called?

Beth: Just wondering if your ready.

Sarah: For round two.

For some reason I'm out of it today, no matter how much I justify everyone wants to tell me I'm wrong. It's distracting, volatile...

The truth.

What truth? That I won, that the match ended long before it began? Please, I'm multitasking even now.

That you were wrong.

I've beaten you before, I'll beat you again.

Like you did Ren?

Her bone cracking jerked me out of bed, as I leaned on the dresser.

Beth: Hey, get back here. 

Sarah: We've only just begin.

Jason: I know, I just need some air.

Walking outside I was bombarded by press and cameras.

R1: Is it true you beat down Ren Powell!

R2: Do you have any regret for your actions!

Jason: No comment.

Beth: Oh he's going to comment.

Sarah: Just like we are.

They both cornered me on both sides, as the flashes were making me dizzy.

Sarah: Ren, was it? I know who you truly are. A coward in wolfs clothing.

Beth: Hell bent on proving us wrong.

R1: Who are you two!

Sarah: The new wives of the bachelor.

Beth: And a little note for Ren.

They leaned in.

Beth: Were better in bed.

As they closed the door, I ran to the bathroom. Puking into the toilet, I didn't like this pressure or all the tension.



Touching the back of my head, blood was on my hand as I stumbled up. Tripping back down, a piece of wood was broken next to my leg. Checking my pockets they were empty, along with items and apparel in the room.

Jason: Oh come on...

Realizing I wasn't at home, I crept out the bathroom slowly looking though the window. Beth and Sarah were talking again to the press, except with fake bruises and tears.

Beth: He just got so angry...

Sarah: I hit him, but it was just so we could get away...

They set me up.

This entire thing was a set up.

Playing on our impulsive natures, they defeated us both. And now anything I say or do is going to be useless. As the police put me in handcuffs I didn't fight. My Father's disgusted face blinded my vision.

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