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Ren: Very.

I said eating a scoop.

Troy: So you think your ok?

Ren: I am okay.

Troy: Then what about when your not?

Sighing I stretched out onto the couch eating another scoop.

Troy: Silence speaks volumes.

Pointing the spoon at him I said.

Ren: He'll have to come to me, not the other way around.

I say changing the channel to Night At The Museum 2.

Troy: If you say so.

I'm sure I just made a big mistake, but we'll burn that bridge when we get to it. I fell asleep after a few minutes, and woke to the doorbell being pressed repeatedly.

Ren: Coming!

I rubbed my eyes, opening the door to see at least 20 girls outside.

Ren: Um...

G1: Its her!

G2: The legendary goddess!

Ren: I think you have me confused with-

Troy: Yes! Welcome to her humble abode!

They all walked around me scattering into his house.

Ren: Ok, what did you do?

Troy: Rewards come to those who are patient.

Ren: If I get one more riddle type answer out of you...

G2: Come!

G1: See your greatness!

They say pulling me back down to the couch. Turning up the volume the news woman said again.

NW: This year also comes with a wild card! Only three candidates can be chosen by the bachelor! And he chose!

Jason: Ren Powell.

Ren: Oh you've gotta be kidding me.

NW: She was convicted of a murder charge! But was proven innocent with her brothers efforts!

As she said that, Troy was up on the screen next to the camera man.

Troy: Her home address is 12573 Manor Lane, if you want to see her up close.

Ren: I'm actually going to kill you.

He only laughed, as it got worse.

NW: Previously Miss Powell used to be in the modeling business. Specifically for Victoria Secret.

As the images came up, the two girls shook me.

G1: Look at those features!

G2: If only I had those!

NW: We have been following Jason ever since he chose this lucky lady.

Hearing a car pull up in the driveway, before I could run away. Troy and the girls pushed me back up to the door.

Ren: I'm not accepting this.

Troy: Don't have much choice.

As he rung the doorbell, my heart started to beat out of my chest. Troy opened the door for him to say.

Jason: Hi, Ren Powell.

I laughed nervously before blacking out.

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