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**5 years later**

Reading The Fault In Our Stars, I pushed some hair behind my ear, sitting up on the bunk bed. In my peripheral I saw a familiar face.

Ren: Well, Well, Well.

He chuckled as I hopped down.

Ren: What do I owe this visit?

Troy: I'm bailing you out.

Ren: Oh?

Doing some pull-ups, my hair fell past my elbows as he said.

Troy: Considering I murdered her and all.

Dropping, I said.

Ren: Run that by me again?

Troy: I finished the job, but you needed to learn your lesson.

Ok remember what they said in therapy class...

Just breath.

Ren: Why?

Troy: Tell me...

He said leaning on the bars.

Troy: Would you have stopped?

Thinking back on it he was right, as twisted as this was.

Ren: No.

Troy: So measures had to be taken.

Ren: That's insane.

As the cell door opened, I was a bit wary of walking with him.

Troy: Maybe, I'll be outside.

Returning my stuff, they unlocked my cuffs while Troy got the car.

P: We'll miss you.

Ren: Oh ha ha.

P2: No were serious.

Fist bumping them both, I walked off with.

Ren: Ta ta!

Getting in the passenger seat, Troy drove while passing me some McDonald's.

Troy: No hard feelings right?

Ren: You can call it that, so, who took the fall?

Troy: What?

Ren: A serial killer? Rapist?

Troy: I don't what your referring too.

Ren: Please, your the peasant version of Bruce Wayne.

Troy: Hey!

Ren: Well?

He sighed before pulling into his driveway.

Troy: He deserved it, that's all you need to know.

Ren: Now look who's being irresponsible.

Rolling his eyes he tossed me some clothes.

Troy: Change, I should find a job for you by then.

Ren: Just know your not the boss of me.

Troy: Aren't I?

I glared at him for a second before going upstairs to change. Taking some scissors, I cut my hair down to shoulder length. Slipping on some black jeans and burgundy shirt. With blue tennis on, I walked back downstairs to hear in the news.

NW: Jamie Dornan has become the new bachelor!

Troy smiles at me and nodded as I said.

Ren: No.

Troy: Yes.

Ren: Absolutely not.

Troy: Were doing it.

Ren: He's not even in the area anyway.

NW: A new frontier of taking ladies from Maryland!

Troy smirked harder, as I grabbed some yogurt from the fridge.

Ren: Look I've already accepted that I'm good enough.

Troy: So?

Ren: I don't need his help.

Troy: Then what do you need?

Ren: I don't need a boyfriend.

Troy: Are you sure?

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