Suddenly Serenna felt a slight nudge at her side and Diana pointed slightly to the thing that Aquaman was sitting on. Serenna spotted the golden light of the lasso of truth and she tried to hide her smile, just like the princess did.

"I just feel like never really embraced sea or the land. I've been alone my whole life being part of something bigger like this. Maybe I'm scared because, I meant to-," Arthur paused after Bruce pointed towards the lasso and with a grim and kind of shy expression Arthur held the lasso towards Diana, while the rest tried not to laugh. He threw it towards her and Serenna bit her lip still watching the man that adverted his eyes from her.

"I think that was beautiful."

"Hmm, me too," Serenna added and she caught how Arthur threw her almost a playful look as he stood up and turned towards Barry. "You say a word about this and you will meet every piranha I know." Shocked the boy glanced towards the amazons, mouth opening up, gasping like a fish on land. "I honestly didn't hear anything after we're all gonna die."

The lights above them flickered again and with a smile Diana turned towards her friend, a certain glint behind her eyes. "Seems like someone shows a certain interest don't you agree?" The playful tone in her words were obvious and the dark amazon just rolled her eyes.

"Don't you dare Diana, we have more important things to do."


"So what's the plan exactly?" Serenna asked the others while she secured her sword on her back. "We need to distract them so Victor can get to the boxes," Diana answered her, eyes watching the scenery before them. "We need to distract both of them, the Parademons and Steppenwolf at the same time," Serenna reminded the amazon princess. "We need to get the Parademons away from Steppenwolf and the boxes," Bruce added. "I'll distract them, lure them out," he spoke again and Serenna turned towards him.

"The Parademons are like a swarm, if you succeed, they will attack you like nothing you ever seen before," she told him, watching his reaction.

There was a slight uncertainty in his eyes, yet he still nodded. "I know, but I can handle it." Serenna quirked an eyebrow before she made a decision. "Bruce and I will keep the Parademons away while you four go to the boxes. Maybe I can even lure Steppenwolf away from you," spoke the dark amazon and her eyes met the ones of Arthur for a short second. Diana opened her mouth but Serenna didn't let her speak, knowing exactly what she wanted to say. "What are you waiting for? Go on."

The princess looked at the two one last time before turning around, following Victor towards the boxes.

"So how does your plan look like?"

Bruce tipped something on the arm of his suit, before the plane behind them opened fully. Her dark eyes landed on the batmobil immediately. "We will need a car." With a smirk on her lips she turned to Bruce for a moment. "I think I'm starting to like this idea," she murmured while she walked towards the batmobil.

Batman took his seat inside his vehicle and Serenna got up as well, securing her feet on the metal, kneeling down a bit.

"Are you sure you wanna stay up there?"

She made sure that she had her sword and bottle at the side, knowing that she defiantly would need them. "I'm very certain, I can fight and protect you better from up here," Serenna answered quickly, not even glancing at Bruce after her sentence. A rumble was heard from the distance, until she could spot how crystal shaped roots shot out of the ground, moving like they were alive. Serenna knew that it was the box starting to change the earth around them, to create the whole planet new.

"Alfred, remember that high pitched sound? Can you play it again?" Before she could ask Bruce what he meant exactly, he started driving while a loud annoying sound escaped the car, immediately getting the attention of the Parademons.

Bruce used the guns of the batmobil, driving like crazy through the village, trying not to get hit by one of the plants in the process.

Serenna's eyes turned blue as her hand shot out, killing Parademons that got closer to the car, but yet even more appeared. Batman took a sharp turn and the dark amazon had to make sure that she wasn't going to fall, while fighting off the Parademons. Buildings collapsed, it was pure chaos and she was trying to kill as many demons she could, feeling the rush of the wind and the water at her fingertips. Suddenly two Parademons appeared from the side, pressing her onto the car with all their might while more landed on it, trying to destroy the batmobil, ripping out the guns.

With a swift movement she killed two of them, getting up rather fast again, but before she could even attack the other two, Diana flew towards them getting the Parademons away and killing them instantly.

A little smile graced Serenna's lips even when she softly shook her head. The princess always looked out for the other first and then herself. And that made her more than kind, it made her a hero she always had to become. Bruce fired something ahead destroying the building while they drove through. The amazon had to shield her face for a short moment before they were out again.

Arthur landed suddenly on the other side of the car, yelling something out with a proud look. "This isn't the plan," Bruce almost muttered. "No, Sir, but it's the team," Alfred replied instantly and Serenna's eyes watched Arthur for a second.

"Hey, blame the other lady. We would have let you, but she didn't asked for a vote," Victor commented and a slight laugh escaped the dark amazon.

That was defiantly the Diana she knew and loved.

"So, your genius move is dying. You really are out of your mind huh?" Aquaman yelled his question towards Bruce over the wind. "I'm not the one who brought a pitchfork." The fight was far from over and all of them could spot the incoming of new Parademons ahead. Serenna felt her power running though her veins again, making her eyes glow. But before she could even attack, Arthur jumped up into mid air and rammed into two of the Parademons.

Her eyes watched them for a few seconds before she had to turn around again. She nudged Batman slightly with her foot, getting his attention. "Drive towards the power source," she told him almost firmly and he gave her a quick nod.

Before they passed a building, Serenna could easily see how Arthur slammed with a Parademon through the roof, landing perfectly outside, shaking his long hair for a second with a bright grin on his face, like he knew that she was watching.

And she couldn't help herself, smirking as they're eyes met for a second before Serenna rolled her eyes a little.


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