Let's be honest

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Been feeling really shit lately. I really want to add new chapters but I can't think of anything I can write that doesn't drain all my energy. Don't really even have the energy to fix it. 

At this point, I barely know who I am anymore. I have a habit to catfish people (strangers) and it's really getting to me. You think you don't get consequences but the consequence is the guilt. It's so scary how I could text a stranger for a few minutes and get their whole life story. I hate making this about myself, I feel like a fucking sociopath. Well, there I go again. Making this about me. 

I'm not a good person and it's painful realizing that. I've hurt so many people who did nothing to me. I'm hesitating publishing this, I feel like this is too personal. I feel like people would look at me differently or see my writing and only think of what a terrible person I am. 

I probably deserve it. 

Something tells me I shouldn't post this. But I will anyway. I deserve what's coming my way. 

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