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It wasn't a very good month. I barely remember it but I know it was the worst month of my life. It was also possibly the last. But I remember holding onto one thing. If I didn't have this one thing to hold onto, I wouldn't be alive. 

November was a long month, she just couldn't leave me alone. All my hopes and dreams went slowly down the drain. Everything was falling apart. It was all getting worse and worse and I couldn't stop it. I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't handle even being around people at lunch. Too tired to deal with what might seem like the simplest things. 

I knew that I was going to do it soon. A part of me was scared of what I would do. But another part of me couldn't wait. There was no plan. I just thought that for me, suicide was inevitable. I didn't see myself living past December. 

November wasn't very nice to me. She left out poisoned elk for the vultures. 

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