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Warning: smut? Ish

We both know. We both know that the other ome knows, but we're pretending like nothing happened. I guess katya thought that it was a mistake, maybe it was, or maybe not, to be honest really I don't know, and I don't think she knows either. But we're ignoring that, for now atleast.
Maybe she doesn't like me? Not like that anyway. But she's good at acting like she does, ironic that she doesn't want to fuck me but her arms always find there way around my waist, her hand always on my thigh, her legs wrapped with mine. She could be asexual, like not want to have sex or something. My eyes light up and my lips arch into a small smile, at least this gave me a reason for why she doesn't want me, but it disappears quickly after remembering pearl's words about the millions of one night stands she's had. God what does she want from me?

I adjust the headphones on my head, staring at the computer screen in front of me. Two girls pop up, in ill-fitted gym clothing and shitty acting skills. It was very vanilla, but I've gone down the rabbit hole of kinky stuff before. They start making out, ripping the cloths off of each others bodies, tearing fabric that could of easily been taken off. My hand slithers down into my pants, as my fingers rub circles on my clit. One pulls out massage oil, not sure where from but she does, and starts to grease her self up, her tits glistening in the cheap studio light. The other pulls out a big round exersice ball and places it user the others stomach, show casing her ass to the camera. I slip a finger in, pushing it it slowly. She starts to rub her clit aggressively, adding her tounge as I pump my hand faster and deeper. Katya pops into my head and gasp as i hit my g-spot, imaging her hands instead of mine. I bite my lip, stopping my moans from escaping. Riding my fingers, a small knot forms in my stomach. Bending my fingers slightly I finally hit it, as a wave rushes through my body and I let my head fall back in pleasure, letting out a small whimper. After riding it our I fall back into the bed, closing my eyes letting the fake moans from the actors fill my ears. Eventually I get back up to pee and wash my hands.
Suddenly, someone knocks on the door and I panickedly snap the laptop shut without closing the tab and pull my shorts on under my oversized jumper.
"Uh yeah come in!" I shout and Katya skips in happily. My cheeks flush red as I remember what i was imagining her doing to me minutes before. A huge smile is splashed on her face.
"Why are you so happy?" I ask, trying to act normal, putting my laptop away.
"Am I not allowed to smile?" Strolling  over to my table, she fiddles with some of the lipstick on my vanity before picking up my powder and slapping it on her skin.
"Its just weird seeing you so cheerful" I answer and she laughs
"..thanks?" She finnaly turns back to me, looking at the clock beside my bed.*
"shit,, come on were gonna be late" she grabs my hand and pulls me to the door.
"Wait were going somewhere? Fuck well let me change!" I run back to my closet and pull out a long-sleeved maroon cropped shirt with its shoulders cut and a white plated skirt. Quickly pulling my clothes off I look up at Katya, who's awkwardly looking away, flustered by the sight of my half naked body. I wonder what she'll do it I was fully naked.
"So you're just pull an entire outfit out your ass like it's normal.." She mutters under her breathe but I choose to ignore it.
"So where are we going" I ask buttoning the skirt up.
"Uh, oh yeah! we're going uh shopping!" She adds trying to conceal her awkwardness. Pulling on my fishnets I look up at her confused. We don't have money.
"That'll be fun,, the only problem is, we're both broke!" I smile sarcastically.
"Oh sorry autocorrect, shoplifting!" She said, as if it's a normal thing normal people say. I roll my eyes, eventually you get used to her weirdness. Today is not that day.
"You're fucked up in so many ways; it's a talent" I grab my phone and her hand, stepping out of our cramped little room. She just laughs hysterically and locks the door.
"You're so nice" she smiled up at me.
"Yeah it's because I love you" I state looking down at her, resisting the urge to kiss her.

Across from the college is a tea store, where she gets straight black coffee and I get boba. We sit outside the store; katya called an uber 10 minutes ago and it should be here now.
"You have a licence right? Like drivers ed" I ask curiously, keeping and eye out for a black Prius.
"Nope, I didn't do that" she answers casually, causing me to rip my eyes away from the road to look at her.
"You can do that?"
"Yea I didn't, if I wanted to I'll probably get one when I'm older, like 18?"
"I got mine at 16.. But I had to redo the test like four time" she almost spat her coffee out
"What?? Why??"
"No it's like silly mistakes, like driving down a one way the wrong way" katya looked at me concerned "But I guess it's just the theatre of it all, it's very overwhelming you know?"
"Well I guess, but I feel as though people shouldn't get licences unless they're ready to die" I nod agreeing
suddenly her phone lights up and i look up to see an old guy sitting in a prius staring at us.
"Well, here we go" she sighs getting up and walking over.

And They Were Roomates  》TrixyaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя