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Hi y'all,, this is my first lesbo au so like sorry if it's shit :/..

I drag my leather suitcase up a flight of stairs as my bag swings violently from side to side. Room 340 I think where the fuck is Room 340??.. I scan the doors and groan realising that my room's probably at the end of the hall.
My hands fumble for the key in my bag, finally finding it and twisting it into the white door.
The room's dull, but it had two windows: one to my left and one directly opposite me, I guess it's the only perk of being in the end dorm. My heart sunk slightly at the sight of the other bed; for some reason I though that I would have to privlage of not sleeping with a stranger, not that I haven't done that before ;).

The reception lady gave me a sticker with my name with it, I didn't really see the point in it though so I threw it on the desk. She used up like five stickers just trying to write my full name but it's funny seeing her so frustrated. I dumped my bags at the foot of the bed before I face planted my self on top of it. Please let my roommate be manageable. After a few minutes of me silently praying I pulled myself up and sat on the windowsill. I should probably decorate this stupid room, I'm gonna be living in it anyway.
My hands dove into the boxes, pulling out posters and pictures before finally finding my corkboard. I hung it on top of my bed and tried to pin down concert tickets, Polaroids even stuffing my pride flag into it. Eventually I gave up and put them all on my bedside table, sticking a to-do list in the middle of the board and called it a day. Just as I was about unpack all my clothes I heard voices outside. I bit my lip as the keys pressed into the lock. Please let them not be from Florida. A girl poked her head into the room, she had wavy golden locks and dark chocolate eyes, and I couldn't help but stare..
"This is Room 340 right?" She asked curiously, pulling me out of my trance. "I hope so, that's what it says on the door at least" I reply, i had to be nice to the girl. She chuckled and entered with a hot pink suitcase and a guitar case slug across her. A small Asian girl walked in behind her carrying a box. 'Kim you better not drop that' the blonde one said, placing the case on her bed.
I looked back at my clothes and started to neatly fold them in the drawers, knowing full well that it wouldn't stay organised for long. I plugged my earphones in and turned the music all the way up so I drowned out there talking. Just as I was about finish I felt a hand poke my shoulder, I took my earphones out and looked back at the blonde girl standing above me. "I was saying that I'm going to be living with you, so I may as well know who you are" she smiled offering me a hand up. I take it and she pulls me up, she's surprisingly strong. Our hands stay tangled together,neither of us realising until she look down and quickly let go, blushing immensely underneath her makeup; god what a useless lesbian. She looks at my sticker on my desk "Yekat- wait no yekatrin-" she mumbled "Yekatrina Zamolochikova" I finish for her smiling. "Ok Yekatr- wait no" she sighs. I roll my eyes and just laugh as she opens her mouth to try and saying again, but closing it again knowing she can't. "You can just call me Katya" I answer. "Thank God, I don't think I'm gonna be able to call you that" she stated waving her hand at my sticker. "Katya" she mumbled under her breathe. "And you are.. ?" I begin, searching for her sticker. "Beatrice Mattel, but you can call me Trixie" she jokes putting out her hand for me to shake. I guess I could make this work..

Trixie pov:
Kim helped me unpack, but she left half way through since she had to get to her own college. Originally we applied for the same one, but I was accepted here and Kim was offered a scholarship across the country. I'm happy for her but I know I wouldn't see her much after, but we promised to meet each other during the holidays. I just hope I don't get replaced.
My roommate seems alright though, she's funny and nice and like REALLY hot. I'm not gay.. sure I've never liked guys but I guess I'm just picky and yes, maybe I think girls are pretty and nice and gorgeous and comparing them to a boy is like comparing a flower to a dirty shoe, but everyone thinks that, right? Anyway, I think that katya's gay, I saw a pride flag in the midst of a bunch of pictures and concerts tickets in a pile next to her bed.
I couldn't be gay even if I wanted to, my step dad would send me straight to a camp to 'cleanse me' or some BS like that. My step sister wouldn't talk to me either and my mum wouldn't be able to do anything since they'll convince her that she shouldn't go near me. They're the reason why I wanted to live in a dorm, just so I don't see there stupid faces everyday.

"You wanna order pizza?" Katya asks as she turns to face me. "Uh yea, just no meat, I'm a vegetarian" I answer and she nods. Her lips are blood red and her eyes are a striking blue, god why is she so pretty? I shake my head and pull my phone out to distract me. I look up to see her staring at my side of the room raising her eyebrows. "Like what you see?" I ask jokingly, turning on the fairy lights Kim and I hund over my bed. "Its very.. tumblr-y, with all the lights and, well, pink shit" she chuckles. "That was the goal, you can't have enough pink" I smile as I fluff up one of the bubblegum cushions. "..right"she mumbled as she rolled her eyes. I scoff, her side of the room is so.. dark. It's colourless and plain, so rushed and unfinished, it's obvious she tried but at the end I guess she gave up. "You can't say that when your room consists of a to-do list" I smirk. A fake gasp escapes her red lips " wow I didn't come here to get judged!". I roll my eyes sarcastically and suppress all the giggles. I can't shake the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. Am I nervous? I don't think I'm nervous, but why else would i feel like this?

A sudden knock pulls me out of my trance and Katya gets up to get it.
"One margarita pizza. That's $4.99"
Katya give him the money and I can't help but look at her.
She has a nice ass.
I'm taken aback by that though. Trixie what the hell why would you think that?
"Are you gonna take some or not?" Katya questions, mouth full with pizza. I take a small slice, the butterflies eating at my appetite. "I guess the only upside of you're room being so childish is that I know that you wouldn't have the heart to kill me in my sleep" she jokes "I come from Wisconsin, think again"

And They Were Roomates  》TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now