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I push my face into bob's cheast, sobbing silently. We've grown closer after katya started to ignore me, and I would spend almost everyday sat in his dorm talking to him or pearl, who turned out to be bi. I've never been this vunrable in front of them, but I wasn't embarrassed, I really couldn't care less.

"Trixie, you really need to tell us what's wrong" Bob states calmly, as I pull back trying to wipe the tears away
"Yeah, that's probably going to help" pearl adds, handing me a tissue. I take a deep breath and try to calm down. "God it sounds stupid now,"
"If it hurt you this bad its not stupid" Bob strokes my arm reassuringly.
"... katya was having sex with someone.. " I mumbled, and I feel pearl and Bob exchange a confused look.
" Wait she started again?" Pearl whispers to Bob, but I pick up and now the confused look is splashed on my face.
"What does that mean??" I ask.
Pearl turns to me worried, and then to Bob, who just shrugs his shoulders.
"Oh.. well.. katya and I went to high school together, and she was some what popular... mostly because she had so many one night stands... but ever since she started college she hasn't done anything, no matter how hard people try. We all though she met someone, but who knows." She says bitting her lip. I've stopped crying and try to put the peices together.
"Well the girl she had over talked about how she 'was called to get over someone'," I stated
"That's probably Fame" Bob steps in and both me and pearl share the same confused look, again. "What? I know alot of people.." He defends after reading our faces.
"Why would you call a kid Fame?" I question
"Its her last name, no one really calls her by her first name anymore, even the teachers call her miss Fame.. but bobs right, it was most likely fame, she and katya were on and off in high school," pearl informs. "But it was never to get over someone.. what else happened"
"That's was basically it, then she walked her to her dorm, katya didn't protest or deny it.. maybe she does like someone" I think out loud. My gut renches a little at the thought of katya liking someone. After a little pause Bob speaks up again.
"Well you can't blame her for fucking someone, she may of though y'all are friends, like you tell her everyday, if you told her your feeling before hand maybe it would of been a different story, but she didn't know and probably got tiered of waiting"
"What? I don't have feeling for her, I'm straight" i exclaim. Both of them look at me concerned,
"You can't still believe that" Bob sighs as pearl puts her head in her hands defeated
"Of course I do?"
"You came here crying because a GIRL had sex with someone else?? How can you possibly think that you're straight after that?" pearl explains
".. I could be.. homophobic?" I question and they both burst out laughing, not even bothering to accept my statement
"If you were homophobic I don't think you'll be friends with us" pearl smirked
"Plus I don't think homophobes run off crying when the see something gay" Bob chuckled
"But my step dad's against it, I could of got it from him?" I try to defend
"I think that's why you don't want to admit your gay." Pearl realises
"He's not here right now, and he can't control you either, it's fine if you're gay" Bob reassured, his hand rested on my shoulder.
I try to go against it but it's so draining. Maybe I am trying to fight it.
 Maybe I am.. gay?
I fidget with my chipped nail polish, it didnt feel wrong saying that. My step-dad pops back into my head, but this time I push him away. You know What, fuck him, fuck his opinion! If I fell for a girl why is it his problem? He's not even my real dad! 
I smile slightly and re-play the words in my head, but it doesn't last for long after I realise what I've actually said. 'I fell for a girl'. That means.. I've fell for katya.


Katya pov
I lie on trixie's bed, not wanting to go on mine after what I just did on it. Next to my head is her vinyl player; I swallow down, trying to shake the memories away. I got her a vinyl for her birthday, but now I'm not sure if she even wants me to be there, or if I'll know her for that long. I'm still not sure what happened, is it me or someone else ? Does she hate me or was she just taking it out on me? What made her so upset? I take a deep breath, trying to ignore her, but instead I'm filled with the smell of bubblegum and peppermint. The smell of her.
Suddenly the door swings open and I sit back up hastily as trixie walks in. She turns toward me but stops as our eyes meet. Fuck she does hate me. However, instead a look of disgust her face morphs into confusion.
"You're, on my bed..?" She states. She wasn't menacing or demanding me to get off, it was more of a question. I'm slightly taken back as I was expexpecting hostility and her tone took me off guard.
"Um.. uh yeah! I-i like being in your bed..?" I stammer. Why am I so pathetic, god.. Her cheeks flush slightly at my words. "Oh! No!! Not like that it-its just.. that my bed is uh messy.. right now" I manage to string together. Her eyes glance at my bed, but they're quickly torn away, as if she didn't want to look at it. She swallows down and takes in a deep breathe, before hesitantly sitting down next to me. She fidgeted with the hem of her skirt avoiding eye contact.
"So.. are we gonna.. um you know.. talk about what happened, orr.." I bit my lip, knowing I'm going to hate the answer. Stupid question.
"Oh, Yeah, I'm really sorry about that, it came off very.." her fingers clicked, sifting through her brain to find the right word "rude? It didn't mean to sound like that, I'm sorry"
My eyes blink back open, why is she being so nice? She blinks at me, waiting for a response. Maybe I'm too pessimistic. After a second of silence I speak up.
" You don't hate me?" She gave me a soft chuckle, grinning as she looked at my lips
"Quite the opposite".
A few days later
My eyelids are getting heavy as I start to sink into trixie's bed. Her body curled up next to mine, her head rested on my cheast as I gently stroke her hair. My legs were wrapped around her torso and her arms draped around my waist. We've gotten closer and closer ever since your little meltdown, every hour of everyday is spent with her, and i wouldn't change it for a second.
By now I've stopped questioning her sexuality, I know it, her friends know it and deep down she knows it too, maybe labelling would be too much for her, it's not my business to pressure her. But she is defiantly aware of it, way less defensive, I wonder what made her feel like this..
My phone illuminates my face as I scroll through Instagram, trying to distract myself from sleep. I come across trixie's account

 I come across trixie's account

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_TrixieMattel_ oh wow.. I love my lesbian life partner <3 @Katya_zamo

I swallow down the tingling sensation in my stomach, but it gets stronger whenever I reread the caption, my heart racing a little faster after glancing at the '<3' in the end. Where did she even get this picture from? I look down at her, turning off my phone. The moonlight shone on her face, giving her a sort of silver glow. Her golden lock twirled around my finger, before letting go and lightly falling back into place. A small smile greeted my lip, I could watch her all night long. That sounded creepy lol. Eventually I let the darkness consume me and I fall into sleep, comforted by the smell of bubblegum and peppermint. The smell of her.

I hate this chapert.. bit I couldn't keep them hating each other for long :/.. but I like the next chapter:) well the idea of it anyway,, I havent written it yet

And They Were Roomates  》TrixyaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora