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the snapping near brandi's ear caused her to look her mother's  way

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the snapping near brandi's ear caused her to look her mother's  way. her large curly mane jumping up and down from the sharp movement. "hello? ariana, i'm talking to you."

brandi looks away from the straight haired beauty, who was currently hugging her parents, and focuses her attention back to her mother with a frown. "mom, you know how much i hate when you call me that."

yara brandi rolls her eyes and follows her daughter's line of sight. only a few feet away from them, in the middle of the crowd of seniors and parents, is her daughter's ex-girlfriend, luna jackson.The middle aged woman nods in understanding and turns back to her younger half, "you know you fucked up, right?"

brandi harshly readjusts the blue backpack on her right shoulder that carries her luggage for the next week. "yeah, i know i fucked up real bad. thanks for the support mother."

"hey, cut the attitude. don't take that shit out on me. you're lucky i even allowed you on this trip after that stunt you pulled." brandi leans her head down, mumbling a sorry. yara's eyes soften and she pulls her tall daughter in for a hug. "look, this is your senior trip, so I want you to enjoy it. don't worry about your relationship. just have fun."

brandi chews on her bottom lip and gently pulls out of her mom's hug. "thanks mom." yara smiles and pushes brandi in the direction of the yellow buses lined up to drive the seniors out of town.

once on the bus brandi's eyes move back and forth between the seats as she ventures farther to the back. when her eyes stop on luna, she swallows hard in fear at the girls cold, intimidating eyes.   a sharp contrast from the bright and soft ones she was used to staring into. "can i?" brandi indicates to the empty seat beside her. the straight haired girl only glares up at the curly headed one then turns to look out the window.

"no can do." a boy clad in a red and yellow west ham letterman steps in front of brandi, blocking the view of her ex-girlfriend.

"what the fuck, grizz?" the slightly taller boy frowns and sits next to one of his best friends. "what? are you her bodyguard now?"

"sorry, brandi." grizz sincerely apologizes, the jock hated choosing sides between the two.  brandi spares a glance towards luna, nods her head in frustration and moves forward, sitting in an empty spot two seats away.

brandi jumps when a large body lands next to her, his butt making contact with her lap. "clark, get your fat ass off of me!" said boy in the same letterman laughs and scoots over onto his side. "c'mon, what's with the long face? and where the fuck is your lettermen?"

brandi rolls her eyes in annoyance. her and all the letterman wearing teenage boys were good friends. "ah, shit, you're not still hung up over luna, right? it's been over a week."

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