The Princess Diaries

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"I really don't understand why they insisted we come," I said as I went through my pink black berry torch, custom made by the way. I mean don’t get me wrong; I like a good laugh just as much as the next Princess. And I should, as Princess of Spain, care about important events I’ve been invited to, along with other royal families.

"Ah huh, yeah." My sister, Illitia, said beside me, her eyes glued to the young boys on the stage. But I honestly just couldn't put my attention towards them.

"So, I think that Prince William is going bald and that you should marry Prince Harry and make hairy little ginger baby's to restore the English monarchy's hair genes." I said looking at her. I had spotted the English royal family earlier and that’s when I noticed William’s hair problem.

"Yeah, yeah." she mumbled.

And I'm alone on this one. I honestly think she and Harry would make the cutest couple though!

After about ninety minutes of comedy bits and gross food challenges, I managed to read two vogues, paint my toe nails and had the longest conversations of my life via text message. The teens on stage didn’t notice I wasn’t paying attention because we had balcony seats and I’m sure the last thing on their mind was pleasing the Spanish Princess since they were getting so many laughs from everyone else. After it was all over, finally I might add, my grandmother was pulling me out of my seat; smiling at the other royal families as we passed them. All the while gracefully dragging me to the dressing rooms back stage.

Wait. Why are we going to the dressing rooms?

"When we see those boys, remember to congratulate them on a job well done." my grandmother said as we walked down the hall with our body guards in tow. My grandmother always liked to be the trend setter amongst the Royal families. If we did something, other families did it as well & grandma liked that.

One day, I want to go somewhere without a body guard following me around. Like a restaurant. Or maybe I can actually attend a class without one. I go to the London school of Math & Advanced Sciences, how dangerous can that place get? What's the worst that’s going to happen? Throw our text books and scientific calculators at each other?

"Ariadne, Ariadne, are you listening to me?" I heard my grandmother ask me. Actually no. I happen to already know what you're saying, I thought to myself.

"Of course grandma," I said.

"Shoulders back Ariadne. Ariadne Marisol And-" She began.

"Okay, Okay! My shoulders ARE back!" I said, irritated. One day I hope she forgets the name Ariadne. Yeah, one day I’ll be free of all this. I hope.

"Princess Ariadne, we have arrived at the dressing rooms." One of the body guards said. I know its bad, but I hadn’t learned their names yet.

Right so princess check list for meeting this comedy group I’d never heard of until just a few days ago.

1. Fake a smile.

2. Congratulate.

3. Pretend to know exactly what their show was about.

4. And lastly, pretend they don’t smell. Because trust me, running around a stage for almost two hours can get a person to smell pretty bad.

I arrived in a room with fancy furniture and a five shirtless, a few of them pant less, teenage boys.

Okay so forget the checklist. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER, WOMAN.

I walked around with my grandma and shook their hands. I swear her royal majesty that is the Queen of Spain did not care that they were nearly naked. For the most part, I was fine until I reached god's gift to me. I shook his hand and smiled. His green and soulful eyes meet my green ones and I felt like lava had erupted and flowed through my body. Somewhere, angels started to sing-then a body guard gently pushed me forward to shake the next boy's hand.

I don’t know what just happened. But I need to know who that was.

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