Metal Sonic

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(Reader's P.O.V.)

    As I ascend the staircase to the roof, I began to fidget. I was starting to get nervous. What if I don't feel the same once I meet him? I open the door to the roof and I see someone I least expected to see. I see Metal Sonic with a gardenia in his hands. Is it just me or does he look nervous? "Metal Sonic? You were M.S.?" He nods. Now that I think about it that does make sense. His initials are M.S. I guess I should've realized sooner. But that means... "Metal Sonic, you... You love me?" >I HAD A HARD TIME PUTTING A NAME TO THE "FEELING" YOU GAVE ME. "So when you called me beautiful like this... It wasn't just to make me feel better. It was how you felt about me?" He nods again. I'm not sure what to say or think for that matter. I never thought he could feel that way about me or anyone. I feel tears run down my face. >ARE YOU UPSET WITH ME? I smile at him. "No, I'm not upset... Sometimes people cry when they're happy. I didn't know you felt that way about me and it makes me happy you told me. The truth is I-" But I get cut off before I can finish. A giant metal arm grabs me and pulls me into the air. I see Metal reach out to me but it's too late. I get carried off to who knows where before he can stop it.

(Metal Sonic's P.O.V.)

    Unable to move I simply watch. Eggman hacked my body forcing me to stay grounded while he takes her from me. I didn't even get to hear her words. What was she going to tell me? The truth is what? I want to know but my body won't move. Eggman's program is keeping me planted in one spot. "Oh, my. What an unfortunate fate you have encountered. Blue metal, can you hear me alright?" I force my head to nod though I cannot see the female speaking to me. She walks into my line of sight. A silver hedgehog with golden eyes. Her attire is a fancy pink dress with many bows. She smiles at me. "So, the blue metal can hear me but can he see me?" I force myself to nod again. My body feels heavy and refuses to do what I say. "Well then. Since I know you can't introduce yourself, I'll tell you who I am. My name is Trinity. And I'm here to help you, blue metal." She smiles again. She seems nice enough but oddly suspicious. "You're probably wondering how a pretty girl like me could help someone like you, right? Well, I just so happen to be a technopath and have a somewhat vested interest in your current love life. Don't you want to save your princess?" How does she know all this? "I'm psychic of course. Now then, let's help you regain control shall we?"

(Reader's P.O.V.)

    This is a familiar scene. Trapped in a glass tube with a machine pointed at me. We've gone full circle. Except this time I don't think anyone's coming to save me. I don't know what the doc did to Metal but it seemed like he couldn't move. Even if he wanted to. I bang on the glass. "Let me out!" "Now now, my dear metal (C/T), don't make a fuss. You won't have to worry about being in there for long. In fact, you'll never have to worry about anything ever again. This time there is no one coming to rescue you. And you'll finally be the obedient machine you were supposed to be from the start." I hear a door open and hear the sound of something being flung through the air. It shatters when it hits the glass tube. I hear the sound of the machine next to me fire up and I see a white light envelop me but, the machine's laser never hits me.

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