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(Reader's P.O.V.)

    I watch from the doorway as Metal Sonic connects to the computer. I wonder if I can do that like this? Suddenly the alarms go off and flashing red lights. UNAUTHORIZED USER DETECTED. Me? I didn't mean to connect to the computer, I was only wondering if I could do it! STATUS UPDATE: PANICKED. What should I do? I didn't mean to go and mess everything up! Wait... What's that on the desk? A CD? The label says "Roboticizer". I'll just take that. I hear the sound of large stomps heading this way. >Metal, I think we need to get out of here! >NOT UNTIL I GET THE PLANS. >FORGET ABOUT THOSE! WE'LL BE CAPTURED IF WE DON'T GET OUT OF HERE! He continues to stay plugged into the computer. >Metal... Suddenly a robot grabs me from behind. "METAL!"

(Metal Sonic's P.O.V.)

ACCESS DENIED. How many times has this text repeated? How many tries will it take before I finally get what I'm after? "METAL!" The sound of her voice pulls me away from what I was doing and I see one of the Doctor's robots dragging her away. I pull out the cord. Forget the plans, I can get them later. I can't replace (Y/N). I destroy the inferior machine and pick up (Y/N), throwing her over my shoulder. "HEY! I'M NOT A SACK OF POTATOES!" >BEAR WITH IT FOR THE TIME BEING. I AM MUCH FASTER THAN YOU. WE WILL BE ABLE TO ESCAPE FASTER THIS WAY.

(Reader's P.O.V.)

    As much as I hate being lugged around like this, he's right about being faster. No surprise there, he was created to rival Sonic after all. It would make things a whole lot easier if there weren't all sorts of badniks trying to stop us. We manage to get outside and Metal Sonic changes the position he's holding me in. >I HAVE AN INQUIRY FOR YOU. DO YOU HAVE A FEAR OF HEIGHTS? "A little bit of one. Why?" >THEN YOU MAY WANT TO SHUT OFF YOUR VISUAL DISPLAY FOR A MOMENT. Wait... Is he doing what I think he's doing? >YOU ALSO MIGHT WANT TO HOLD ON. Oh boy...

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