Chapter 8

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Reader's POV

"-Vale." Her eyes grew wide.

"I-It's west from here, in a hiding spot near two abandoned buildings..." I nodded as I scanned my surroundings.

There was multiple abandoned buildings. They all appeared to be near each other as few people seemed to walk through its area.

"What street?"

"Uh, Blackwood..." I focused on her expression as I noticed two building on that street.

"Okay, what about a headquarters in-" I was cut off as two officers approached me. I turned to them as one of them spoke.

"Thank you for your help, but we'll take it from here." Before I could protest they picked up the girl and handcuffed her. Although I did see a small shine roll down her cheek.

The distance between the location and I are quite far. A mile, give or take. I began to move on foot as I crossed a street toward an alley as it was a quicker route. Passing through the alley, I heard whispers. Sounded female. Turning a small corner there was the cause. Seemed to be a mother faunas with a small child. As I walked closer the mothers ear perked to the sound of my foot steps. Her expression turned to fright as her eyes met mine. As I got closer I slowly began to walk past them. Before I could make it far however, my jacket sleeve was tugged. I turned to the mother and looked at her hand. She slowly let go as she pressed her back against the concrete wall.

"Food..." the word was quiet as she looked to the ground. Her child curled up to her right as she rested.

I dropped a clip of lien that I was given for an upgrade on a weapon. She looked at it and looked back up to me as she saw me turn and began to walk away. She smiled before slowly taking the money.

City Reputation: Increase

I exited the alley as I crossed the street. I looked down to my body. The blue blood had been sleeping through quiet a bit it leaked. I turned to my shoulder as a small spark emitted from it. The wire was out of place. I looked around and noticed a small bench. I approached it and sat down. I reached toward the wire and began to try an reattach it. More sparks began to fly as the wire was then tied. I looked as the wound in my abdomen as more thorium leaked. I ripped a bit of dress shirt and began to tie it to my rubber rib cage. Since it being tied, it will cause it to not leak for a few hours. I stood as I continued to the objective area passing pedestrians.

-TimeSkip 40 minutes-

The buildings were approaching quickly. For the time being I've been speed walking. I turned the corner and the two buildings were insight. They did appear to be abandoned as all windows and doors were covered by plastic and boards. I soon began to approach the front of one of the two buildings. I scanned to find and access point. There was a loose board on the second story. Focusing I noticed a pattern that was accessible. I stepped back and sprinted. I jumped from the ground and onto the door frame. I turned to the right and boosted myself to a iron bar. Pulling myself up, I grabbed onto the window sill and stepped on the iron bar. Pushing myself up I was able to move the board upward and pulled myself inside. I quickly stood on my feet and scanned my surroundings. There wasn't much light except from the light peering through the window. There boxes with dust and cobwebs covering them. It seemed as if it's been a while since no one entered this room. I approached one of the boxes wiped some of it off. There was a symbol of three bullets on it.

"Ammunition." I unlocked it with some difficulty as the locks were rusted.

Opening the box there were several magazines for firearms. I pulled out the handgun I had with me and picked up what appeared to be a pistol magazine. Surprisingly it fit. I took it out and check the capacity. 12 rounds excluding the one in the chamber. I check my harness and noticed my low ammunition. I began to separate the from my holster and switch it out for ones in the box. As I was switching them out, creaking was heard behind me. I turned and noticed a door that had light under it. The light disappeared and the door opened.

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