Steve: Why Can't It Be

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*Steve had known Carol for a long time, but they met in the craziest way, unexpected really. Steve was fine, but she just got his head spinning*

You came along, unexpectedly
I was doing fine in my little world
Oh baby please don't get me wrong
'Cause I'm not complaining
But you see, you got my mind spinning

*Steve had grown to really like her, but she only wanted to be friends, and Steve couldn't see why. What did he do wrong?*

Why can't it be
Why can't it be the two of us
Why can't we be lovers
Only friends
You came along
At a wrong place, at a wrong time
Or was it me

*Steve can't help but think and dream about her all the time, it's the only place they can be together*

Baby I dream of you every minute
You're in my dreams
You're always in it
That's the only place I know
Where you could be mine
And I'm yours but only
Till I wake up

*Why can't they be together? Why doesn't she like him? It just doesn't make sense and it hurts him*

Why can't it be
Why can't it be the two of us
Why can't we be lovers
Only friends
You came along
At a wrong place, at a wrong time
Or was it me

*The only place where she loves him is in his dreams, but sometimes dreams don't come true*

That's the only place I know
Where you could be mine
And I'm yours but only
Till I wake up

*Maybe he should've said it sooner or gave her flowers or something to make her love him they way he loves her, but it's hopeless*

Why can't it be
Why can't it be the two of us
Why can't we be lovers
Only friends
You came along
At a wrong place, at a wrong time
You came along
At a wrong place, at a wrong time
Or was it me
Why can't it be

This is for @WarCriminal2604 hope you like it! 😁❤️😁❤️

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