Kayla looked at Rafael curiously as all the wolves cheered for him

Penelope leaned toward her, whispering "He's their new Alpha. I heard the commotion in the Gym earlier on" They both looked toward Rafael whose face was bruised and cut, flickering their eyes toward the former Alpha, Jed. He was sitting weakly, a harsh look on his swollen and bruised face.

"Too much for not being interested on joining the pack" Kayla whispered, raising her eyebrows

Penelope shrugged, chuckling "People change"

Kayla glanced at Penelope, seeing her looking toward Josie's direction with a longing look. She nudged her arm, giving her a reassuring look "She's missing out"

Penelope managed a small genuine smile, grateful for the siphoner's friendship.

"All right, settled down" Emma called out, quieting the crowd. She smiled appreciatively "Thank you. Next up..." The ballot box glowed, rattlimg for a second time before spitting out the next representative. "The vampire representative will be...." Kayla noticed MG wearing a fancy suit and a pin to show his campaign, bounce his leg in excitement, noticing the vampires' smirking faces as MG stood, buttoning his jacket "Kaleb"

The vampires leaped to their feet, shouting and cheering in excitement as MG sat back down, sad and forlorn as he realized something as the rest of the vampires danced and whooped in excitement. It was that moment Kayla felt slightly sympathetic for MG.

Emma smiled chuckling, "All right, guys, settle down" The vampires did as told. Emma nodded in appreciation "Thank you"

The box rattled and glowed again for the last representative.

Unknown to each other, Lizzie and Kayla spoke to the witches next to them at the same time "Showtime" Kayla smirking in amusement and Lizzie in excitement for her moment to shine.

"And the witch representative will be..." Emma read the name, smiling "Josie"

Kayla and Penelope low high fived each other in victory as they noticed the reactions of the twins. Josie turned in her seat, giving Penelope and Kayla stunned looks as she realized what they did. Penelope campaigning for her and Kayla's words. 'You have my vote'. Sneaky...

Penelope winked, pointing at Josie with a finger gun. Kayla flashed her thumbs up.

Emma realizing what had happened with the twins' reactions was quick to wrap up the ceremony "Thank you all for voting, and congratulations to our newly-elected representatives"


Penelope walked to her room, emotionally exhausted for having finally let go everything she felt by seeing Josie put everything her sister did before herself, finding their cousin who as herself had the same thoughts - something they had bonded over one time- and smiled weakly for having such a friend

"I take it went well?" Kayla asked, looking up, a flash of concern crossing her face as she looked at Penelope. "You okay?"

"A psycho doesn't feel" Penelope said instead of answering. Kayla's expression turned cold, looking away. Penelope chuckled lowly, walking to her friend's bed, sitting on the edge, "You do feel. You're not a psycho" Kayla looked up. Penelope brushed a strand of Kayla's hair behind her ear, not in a romantic way though. Neither of them could feel anything romantic toward the other. Penelope still had feelings for Josie and Kayla had conflicting feelings about her family and herself to fall in love with someone. This was a gesture of affection between friends. Kayla's second best friend. And Penelope's first genuine friend. "You just don't know how to express what you feel. Josie, Lizzie and Dr. Saltzman are lucky to have someone who will be there to protect them. To always care for their wellbeing" Penelope smiled seeing the moisture in her friend's blue eyes. "You're especial, Mikayla Parker. Don't forget that"

Penelope slowly wrapped her arms around her friend, hugging her tightly

Kayla furrowed her eyebrows, resting her chin on Penelope's shoulder "You're being awfully sentimental" She noted quietly, finally wrapping her arms around Penelope's body to hug her back. Penelope smiled sadly, as her eyes filled with tears "This seems like a goodbye"

"Spoiler alert" Penelope let out a small watery laugh. Kayla froze. Penelope noticed, shaking her head as she pulled away "It's not confirmed yet. I just wanted to let you know how much your friendship means to me"

"What do you mean it's not confirmed yet?" Kayla demanded, wiping under the skin of her eyes.

Penelope didn't answer "I'll let you know when my mom talks to your uncle about it"

Kayla scoffed, "So you're gonna leave, huh?" Penelope shrugged, looking away, "You are gonna leave me. Is it for Josie?" Penelope didn't answer, looking down but that was enough answer for Kayla "She's toxic for you, Peez!" She exclaimed "My family is toxic for you, you can't let her ruin you!"

"I can't take it, Kay" Penelope snapped. Kayla's breath hitched at the back of her throat as Penelope called her like that. Penelope chose to ignore her reaction, fully aware Kayla despited people calling her Kay. It reminded her of her dad "Your cousin is too full on her sister she forgets about herself. It's painful to watch and I can't take it anymore. You know the feeling too well. Which is why i had no trouble convincing you to vote for Jo over Lizzie. You hate this as well"

"I'm not letting it rule me" Kayla countered, "What they do is not my problem! I don't care"

Penelope smiled sadly "You and I both know that's no true. You care more than you let on. You crave their acceptance. You crave Dr. Saltzman's acceptance which is why, neither of the twins know you're a siphoner. Isn't it sad you can't be who you really are?" Kayla didn't answer, looking away "Or a struggle pretending you're a full of powers witch, instead of someone who has to take it from another source?" She held her hand to Kayla, only to lower it "I can't take it anymore how low you deem yourself only to please them. You call yourself a villain, the villain of their story when you're in fact the contrary. Don't step down because of something in your past, Kayla" She scooted closer to her friend, grabbing her hands, "Please, for once be yourself"

For once, in all the time Penelope had known Kayla, this was the first time she saw tears in her eyes "How can I be myself when all they'll ever see in me is the monster who took their mother away from them?" Penelope didn't answer, pulling her friend closer, placing her head atop Kayla's listening quietly "The monster who killed her own family in a tantrum?" Penelope frowned, knowing it hadn't been like that but remained silent "I can't be that kind of monster. I prefer them hating like this, without them knowing the truth, otherwise..."

"You won't handle that kind of hate" Penelope finished knowingly, sighing softly. "I understand. Doesn't mean I approve but I understand, and this proves more strongly you're not a monster"

Penelope pulled away, giving her a small smile, walking to her own bed

"You're not a monster, either Peez" Kayla told her quietly "Someone who cares so much about one person like you do and does everything in your power for them isn't a monster. Lizzie and Josie see it that way because in their perspective that's how they see their exes. If anything, their own power struggle is the monster here" She said with a harsh look, not knowing how accurate her words were. "I appreciate everything you do for Josie's happiness, but you gotta stop before your heart breaks in thousand pieces no one, and neither yourself would be able to fix them together"

Both girls stayed quiet, each one thinking on what the other had said, how much they cared for each other in their own way and while they acknowledged their words, they both knew changing their ways it was easier said than done.

"Goodnight, Kayla" Penelope told her with a small smile, picking up her Pajamas, heading to the bathroom

Kayla nodded, "Goodnight, Pen"

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