Chapter 3.8

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I'll only say one thing.

I hate writing blocks.

The first few days into which Alaric still hesitated on agreeing Josie to teach Hope the spell to return their memories, Hope settled back in her room, thinking on how to make him trust her

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The first few days into which Alaric still hesitated on agreeing Josie to teach Hope the spell to return their memories, Hope settled back in her room, thinking on how to make him trust her. 

But that wasn't the only thing in her mind. After proving to Kayla they were linked, she hadn't seen the girl, but Hope knew where she was. As odd as it sounded, it's like if she focused enough, she could tell where she was.

And Kayla was at the moment at the Stefan Salvatore Memorial museum.

Hope found herself hesitating at the doorway as she noticed Kayla sitting with her feet up on the couch with the familiar book about her dad.

She must have made a sound, or Kayla sensed her because she snapped shut her book, turning to Hope with her cold and distrusting blue eyes.

"Stalker too much?" Kayla drawled, raising an eyebrow.

The way she spoke reminded Hope of the Kayla before Malivore monsters showed up. Before she opened up her walls and became a hero to everyone.

"No, I actually came here to talk to you" Hope told her, taking a leap of faith and walking to where her best friend was sitting, taking a seat in the corner of the couch.

"You said I confided you with my family's creepy spells enough to put into practice one of them" Kayla told her with furrowed eyebrows.

Hope paused, "You actually said that you knew what it did" she said accusingly

"I did?" Kayla chuckled, "I must have somewhat liked you or something to not tell you that. My ancestor invented that spell in a moment of panic. She really didn't sit down to think throughly about any possible consequences"

"Neither did you, apparently" Hope remarked under her breath, still salty about that reckless side of her friend. Hope was the reckless one, not the other way around, "Trust me. If I knew you were planning on casting that spell I would have stopped you. Being a tribid isn't really a walk in the park. Add your painful siphoning and you have a receipt for disaster"

"Ah" Kayla leaned back, "You really know about me then. It took me almost 3? Years to admit to my family who I was to them, yet here you are, a complete stranger whose family too is full of psychos-"

"Hey!" Hope protested. They weren't psychos...


"-Maybe that's why we got along" Kayla continued as if she wasn't interrupted.

"We actually didn't, get along at first" Hope corrected, "You tended to push me away or keep me at arms' length"

Kayla frowned thoughtfully, "Yeah, that sounds like something I would do"

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