2. A trip to the aid station (Ronald Speirs).

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(A/N): Okay so this is obviously a fan fiction, not a depiction of the real men in any way. It was based on the television series.

Just a drabble about Ronald Speirs visiting you at the aid station. 

Disclaimer!: the characters in this story are based on the characters of the television show, not the real men and this is in no way meant offensively or disrespectfully to those heroes.

Ronald Speirs had always had a soft spot for you. He knew you were tough, but something about your soft demeanor made him feel protective over you. He admired your dedication to the rest of the company, how you sometimes worked nights on end with Nixon to make sure your plan was as foolproof as it could be. He had even more admiration for how you seemed to be able to deal with Lewis Nixon so effortlessly, who always seemed to be in some sort of semi-drunken state. Ronald Speirs thought drunks were insufferable and had no tolerance for their behavior. You seemed to get along great with the intelligence officer though.

Lieutenant Speirs knew you didn't need his protection, or anyone's for that matter, but he couldn't help the sinking feeling in his gut when he saw you sprint across that field. He felt enraged, what were you even doing there? It wasn't your job to be out on the line, to be so close to the danger. He didn't like seeing you there one bit. When he saw you fall down he could practically feel his heart stop beating for a second. His mouth went dry. He wanted to go over to you, to see if you were alright but he knew that would only endanger you more. He could see sergeant Lipton making his way over to you, Doc Roe in tow. He breathed out, promising himself he would find out what aid station you were stationed at, and so he did.

When he finally finished the report he had to write and he knew he would be free for a couple of hours, he made his way over to the aid station. You were sitting in your bed, head resting against your pillow. Your eyes were closed and he could see a bloody bandage on your neck, another one on your shoulder. "Lieutenant (L/N)," he almost whispered, trying to find out if you were awake without waking you up. Your eyes fluttered open, looking at the lieutenant in surprise. "Please, " you insisted, "call me (Y/N), Lieutenant Speirs," you spoke softly. He blinked in surprise, he didn't think you would be one to say something so informal. He considered it. He normally had a dislike for informalities, but here he was visiting you at the aid station. "Alright, then for now, please call me Ron, (Y/N)." He could see a hint of a smile playing around your lips, "Very well, Ron it is, for now." After a few moments of silence, he spoke up again. "I wanted to see how you were doing." The implied question clear in the air. Were you going to be okay? You nodded, "I appreciate your worries," you answered politely, "I am okay." "You seem to have taken quite a hit out there," he said, nodding at the bloody bandages covering your left side. You nodded, "Yeah, one bullet went straight through my shoulder, the other one grazed my neck. I was quite lucky Eugene came to my aid as quickly as he did, I think I would have bled out if he didn't." The lieutenant swallowed, not wanting to think about the possibility of you bleeding out. You could sense his discomfort, "Any way, I don't think I will be able to join you again out there any time soon, Ron," you added. "What were you doing out there in the first place? Aren't you supposed to stay with Nixon at all times?"he questioned. You nodded, agreeing, "Yes, that's where I was, but somehow we lost communication with the men on the field and we needed to get something across as quickly as possible." He raised an eyebrow, "So you decided you would be the best person to deliver that message to the front lines?". You nodded, "Yes, that''s what happened essentially." You tried to keep your eyes open, but the pain medication you were given was making you sleepy.

Speirs noticed, feeling embarrassed for keeping you. "I am so sorry, you must be tired, of course," he apologized, "I am glad that you are doing okay, I should be on my way anyway." He turned to leave you to get some shuteye. "Ron?" you said, your voice was so soft that you were afraid he wouldn't hear you anymore. He turned around, "Thank you for visiting me," you smiled, closing your eyes again. He smiled at you fondly as you drifted off to sleep.

When you woke up, you could almost not believe the feared Lieutenant Speirs had visited you. You sighed softly, planning to try and find him once you got out of the aid station. He had pleasantly surprised you.

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