Chapter Twenty-Five: My Favorite Part

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Remington's POV

It's the middle of the show, my mind is going a million miles an hour. The adrenaline is pumping and I can feel the love from the crowd. The overwhelming feeling of love fills the room as we all scream the lyrics together. Honestly, it's my favorite part of a show.

It's nearing the end of the set and I'm eyeing the balcony, deciding if I should try to scale it. Fuck it. Let's do it. It's almost the end of the tour, let's give them a show. I jump down off the stage and over the barricade into the crowd. I slowly make my way to the staircase in the back left corner of the venue. I keep up with the lyrics as I climb the stairs. At the top, are a few tables surrounded by fans. I make my way to the middle, and climb up onto the balcony railing and over the side. Suddenly, all the phones come out of the pockets and have their cameras pointed at me. I stand on the ledge for a minute, then hook my foot on the railing and hang upside down over the crowd. I look at hundreds of faces below me, but I only lock eyes with one. A small brown eyed girl with dark hair down to her waist. Instantly, she is captivated by me. She will do just fine. Remembering that Harp is watching from side stage, I break my gaze away from the brown eyed beauty and drop to the floor. I make my way back to the stage as our final song comes to a close. We all smile, take a bow, and toss some things into the crowd.

Everyone heads off stage and into the green room, except me. I head for the front. I stand and meet fans for a while, and then I spot her, walking to her car. This is my chance. I tell everyone that i must go, and that I apologize for not being able to meet everyone. I go back inside and put on a black hoodie. With my hood up, I exit through a side door, and begin to make my way across the parking lot. I lose her for a second, but easily find her again. She is a few hundred feet from me, and I can smell her. Her perfume, her shampoo, the sweat on her skin. What is she doing alone? I close in on her.

"Shit!" I exclaim. I must have startled her. She dropped her keys and looked up at me. Perfect. A grin spreads across my face.

"Sorry! Oh I didn't mean to scare you. I thought the guys were waiting for me out here. But they must have left already." I tell her, removing my hood.

"Remington?" She asks. They all have the same reaction of disbelief when they see me alone. Like they're shocked that I would be talking to them, shocked that I'm out alone with no sort of protection. But they don't know that I'm not the one who needs protecting. She will learn soon enough.

"Yeah. It's me. But please don't make a big deal. Everyone is still up at the venue waiting to see if members of the band are going to come out and take pictures. If you tell, they'll come over. I'm just trying to get to Waffle House to meet the guys." I chuckle. "They left without me I guess." I shrug.

She smiles. "I can give you a ride if you'd like." She offers.

"That'd be great. Thank you." She picks up her keys and unlocks the car. I climb in the passenger seat and she climbs in behind the steering wheel. She starts the car and looks over at me, to find me staring at her. Within these close quarters, her smell is overpowering. But I must show restraint. Here is not the place for the mess I will undoubtably make. Her cheeks flush pink with the attention I'm giving her, and she looks down.

"Don't be nervous." I tell her. "I'm just a regular guy. I appreciate the ride." I smile at her. She starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot. The drive to the Waffle House is a short one, so there isn't much talk. She pulls into the parking lot.

"Could you pull around back please? I don't want to be seen going in. Just in case, ya know?" I ask her.

"Sure." She whispers, sheepishly. She pulls around the back of the building and parks next to the dumpster. How romantic. I turn to face her.

"Thanks so much for the ride." I tell her, smiling. I reach for her hand, and intertwine our fingers. Her cheeks go red again. I bring her hand to my lips and place a soft kiss on the back of it. I can hear her blood pumping through her wrist. I close my eyes, listening to the hypnotic sound. I take a deep breath. Her smell is intoxicating.

I open my eyes, which have now turned a solid black.

"Won't you please come inside with me? It's the least I can do to buy you a waffle for your trouble."

She's too flustered to speak. She nods. I release her hand and exit the vehicle, quickly walking around to the drivers side. I open her door for her and she stands. I take her hand and start the walk to the building. It's very dark out, and the lot is only lit on the front. But I have no trouble finding my way. Once we are walking along the back side of the building, I stop. She is in between myself and the building now, and I don't think I can control myself much longer. I turn to face her, and she faces me. I lift her chin so that I can look into her eyes. At this point, she has no vision. I can tell she is starting to panic. Her pulse is rising. We are finally arriving at my favorite part.

"Shh. Sweetheart, everything is fine." I coo. "I just want to thank you for the ride."

I lean down and kiss her neck. Then a lick. Then a bite. Her blood fills my mouth, and I black out. Loosing all control.

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