Chapter Three: A Great Listener

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I don't talk much. I have never talked much and I'm not very good in social situations. I don't usually go to parties and I feel very uncomfortable meeting new people. So the idea of sitting down with my favorite band and getting drunk would have been a dream come true for any fan, except me. I was a mess. I'm sure they all think that I'm crazy and regret asking me to stay. They all talked and drank and laughed and I've been sitting quietly drinking the same beer for 2 hours now. But it wasn't so bad. I let my mind wander and it kept going back to the show. Right before I passed out, everything was silent. But it seemed it was only that way for me. Everyone else was still dancing and enjoying themselves. And Remington's eyes... I couldn't look away. He is beautiful and everything, but I mean I physically couldn't look away, like there was some freaky hold on me.

"Hello? Harper?"

I came out of my reverie and looked up to find everyone was looking at me. "Are you okay?" Asks Emerson.

"Yeah, just tired." I replied. "I get lost in my own mind sometimes."

"I would be scared to be lost in Sebastian's mind." Emerson replied, clearly a little intoxicated. Everyone laughed.

Sebastian stood and wobbled a bit. He's had quite a bit to drink. "My mind is beautiful!" Sebastian declared. I laughed along with everyone else.

I downed the rest of my beer and stood up. "I should probably be getting home.." I say quietly, looking down at my feet. I moved toward the door.

"Wait!" Remington yelled and grabbed my wrist. The cold chilled me to the bone. I looked from his hand, up to his eyes. "Let me walk you to your car. It's late."

I hesitated. "Okay, thanks." I said my goodbyes to everyone and expressed my gratitude for the beer and the good time, even though I'm not much of a good time for everyone else. I exited the bus followed by Remington.

We started the short walk to my car.

"Thanks for coming to the show." He said. "I'm sorry you had a bad time."

I looked at him. "Are you kidding? I had a great time! Minus the anxiety attack and the fainting." I laughed.

"Well good. Im glad you had a nice time. I was worried. You were being awfully quiet back at the bus. What were you thinking so intently about anyway?" He asked.

"Oh it's nothing." I said. Avoiding his gaze.

"I get it if you don't want to talk about it. You don't really know me. But I'm a great listener if you need one."

I thought about telling him about the hearing loss and the feeling of being in a sort of trance, but something was telling me to keep it to myself. At this point we had reached my car. I was looking down at my hands, playing with my keys. Remington put one finger under my chin and lifted my face so I was looking at him. His gaze was so intense. It's all I could focus on.

"Seriously," He says. "If you ever want to talk, or if you're ever about to have an anxiety attack, call me." He pulls out a pen from his pocket and writes his phone number on my palm. "I promise I'm a great listener. And honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing you again, Harper." He kisses my cheek and turns to walk back to the bus, waving as he goes.

I look down at my palm. This is crazy. This a dream, I'm going to wake up any second. I stand there, staring at my palm for a moment before I get into my car and drive home.

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