Chapter Twenty: Murderers are Not Good People

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"Rem, is that you?" I ask. I can't see anything at all, everything is just black. He must be using his gift on me.

"Hush, now stand." He commanded. I did as I was told, to the best of my ability. Loosing your sight in a split second, has an effect on your balance. Once to my feet, he grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around so I was facing him. I heard him take a huge breath in through his nose and out through his mouth.

"You smell heavenly." He said. "You always have. But since my diet has recently changed, the smell of your blood has become almost unbearable."

He had his scary voice on. The same voice I heard in that abandoned building a while ago, and the same voice I hear in my nightmares. This isn't him. This is his other side talking. It's the vampire talking.

"Rem, this isn't you. You have been doing so good. You haven't hurt anyone in days."

"Well I have hurt someone now, haven't I? Looks to me like she won't be waking up. I can hear her breathing starting to slow." He said, referencing the girl on the ground behind me. "And if I'm being honest with you Angel, it feels good. I feel exhilarated right now." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"This isn't you. You're a good person Rem." I plead with him.

"Murderers are not good people." He snapped at me. "Now stop talking so much, or I will take that privilege away." He placed his hand under my chin and lifted my face toward the sky. I could feel him coming closer. I could feel his hair brushing against my cheek, and his hot breath on my neck. "Don't move, my love. And don't scream or this will end badly." He whispered.

I froze. I felt the pain as he sliced into my carotid. He held me in place by my shoulders as he started to drain me. I started to feel light headed and weak in the knees.

"Rem stop." I choked out. "You're going to kill me."
He showed no signs of stopping .
In the direction of the bus I could hear someone calling my name. The yelling got louder and louder, then I hit the ground and fell into a state of unconsciousness.

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