Chapter Nineteen: This is Definitly Not Good

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It's been about a week since my talk with Remington in the park. Remington has only had animal blood since then and it's definitely having an effect on him. He was honest when he said he would distance himself from me. We haven't talked much this past week, and I know he warned me, but it's making me sad. It's effecting his performances as well. The shows aren't as energetic as before. He seems sluggish, and his brothers are starting to take notice. Tonight's show was at a small theatre in Ohio. We arrived around 3 and there was a line of people outside waiting to get in, even though the show didn't start until 7. The bus pulled around behind the building and we exited, stretching our legs. Everyone was off the bus except for Rem. We all went inside to wait on him, he wouldn't take long.

"So how are things with you and my brother?" Emerson asked.

"Things are good." I tell him.

"Really? Because he hasn't touched you all week, and you've both been acting strange. You know you can't hide things from me Harper. I can see it in your mind."

I panicked for a second. No one knows about Rem except for me. But how do you keep a secret from someone who can read your thoughts? I immediately started thinking of something else. Anything else. My thoughts went to the memory of Remington without a shirt and me blushing at the sight of him. Back before everything changed.

"Ew. I don't need to see that." Emerson said with a disgusted look on his face.
I laughed.

"You see him shirtless every night at the shows." I tell him.

"Yeah but I don't see him through your lovey dovey eyes. I don't focus on all the details of him like you do." He pushes me playfully. "Harp, I know you're hiding something from me. Ill find out eventually." He smiled at me and went to the stage to check out the venue.
I swallowed. This is going to be hard.

That nights show was just like any other, Rem still being a little low energy. But right after the show, Remington immediately left the stage and went right out the back door. Emerson and Sebastian went to the merch table to meet with some fans and I went to the bus to relax.
About 20 minutes later, I heard what sounded like a scream. I was hoping I heard wrong. Against my better judgement, I exited the bus and looked around, lost in the dark. I listened closer and heard some rustling coming from my left. A light from a nearby gas station sign illuminated the sidewalk. Something entered the line of the light and collapsed to the ground. I walked toward the light slowly, not knowing what, or who was lying on the ground. As I got closer, I noticed it was a small girl. I rushed to her side. She looked to be about 15, with brown hair and wearing a Palaye Royale T-shirt. She was unconscious and barely breathing. And there was blood all over her neck.

"Oh no. This is not good." I said aloud.

"You're right sweetheart." I hear from behind me.

"This is definitely not good."

And then everything went dark.

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