Next, I shot a quick text to Brock.(N:Natalie; B:Brock)

N: Are you coming to Grandma's?

B: Yeah, Lauren and I are coming because Mom said it was mandatory.

N: I'll see ya there, love you.

B: Love you too, Sis.

Just as Brock sent his last text, Chris called my phone. Instead of answering, I ignored the call, and continued to drive.

Finally, I pulled onto the driveway of my parents' house. I parked the car, and quickly got out, making my way to the front door, where I knocked hardly against the white wooden door. A  few seconds later my mom came and opened the door. "Well, you rushed here." My mom stated with a frown, "You know that's dangerous." She added.

"I made it here safely." I stated shortly, and then regretted it, "I'm sorry, Mom, it's been a rough day." I then added.

"It's okay, honey." My mom stated, with a smile I had never seen her use before, usually they were fake and unmeaning. 

My Mom can be very cold at times, and I totally understand why. I haven't experienced it yet, but I know that losing your father that you are very close to can probably be quite rough, not to mention my mother was only 12 when she lost her's. 

Ever since I had arrived in Cape Cod, my phone had not quit incessantly ringing. I obviously knew it was Chris, but at this time I had no apparent to desire to answer it. After a while I contemplated about blocking his number completely, but I also knew that he would call Brock or possibly Layne if I didn't answer. So not to long after he called for the 15th time, I decided to answer, "Yes?" I stated in a cold, questioning tone.

"Where are you?" Chris asked with serious tone to his voice.

"None of your business..." I replied trailing off.

"Please, Natalie, just tell me where you are?" Chris said with his serious tone turning to a sad one.

I sighed, "I'm with my parents in Cape Cod, we are actually getting ready to leave for Hyannis Port. " I replied seriously.

"I'm coming..." Chris started, but I cut him off.

"Don't, they won't let you on the compound." I said cutting him off mid-sentence.

"You wouldn't tell them who I was?" Chris questioned with a disbelieving tone.

"No, I'll see you when I get home." I replied in a nonchalant tone, even though I wanted to forgive him.

"Natalie, Please, you know I didn't mean anything by what I said earlier." Chris stated with a genuine tone to his voice.

"I know, Chris." I replied, still not giving in.

"I love you, just let me join you." Chris stated with a the sadest tone I had ever heard him use.

"I love you too, I call you when I get there." I replied, quickly hanging up the phone before I gave into his persuasive words.

By this time, my Mother and Father were downstairs waiting in the foyer. I slid my phone into my pocket, and followed them out to the Range Rover. I quickly unlocked it, and opened the trunk, allowing my Mother to put their suitcases inside. Once they had both got into the car, and buckled themselves in, I started the car, and circled around the driveway, leaving their house. 

Soon enough, we were on the road to Hyannis Port, and I was totally ready for this calming getaway.


Dear Readers,

I need some opinions. I want to know how you feel about where I am taking this story, or if I need to change it up a bit. I seem to like it, but I would rather keep my readers happy and interested. Once again, I would like to thank you all for your sweet comments, and all the votes you leave on the chapters. And, I would also like to thank you guys for 4,000 reads, it really means so much to me.

-XOXO, Nicole.

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