New blossom

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Eric's POV:-

I had my breakup.Can't expect at this moment.She left only me.

I stood bewildered of her attitude towards me.My hands were hanged down on my both thighs,eyes gazing at her.All I hear was my own breathe that only interacts with me in this dreadful silence.

My mobile vibrates.

Phone call from Nick.I took my mobile from my trousers right pocket.

"Hello there Nick" my voice ended up debilitated.

"Have you communicated it?" Nick smiled.

"Yeah!I communicated my love.She communicated her separation" I let him know as I progressed toward becoming vex.

"Goodness shit.God must be insane" Nick communicated his Sympathy.But it sounded snide.

"I'll progress toward becoming crazy,if you doesn't stop your words" I gave him a dull cautioning.

"Beyond any doubt" Nick shut the conversation.Tit for Tat.

I'm in my home after 30 minutes voyage.

"What you'll do now?" Nick communicated his compassion.

"Looking for a sweetheart" I sat on my couch told this while I'm removing my brown shoes.

"I'll get you espresso" Nick entered his kitchen.

The main weapon for looking through a sweetheart is instagram.I leaned on my sofa and then slept on my back searching for sweet heart.

Looking for sweetheart turned into a simple assignment by utilizing Instagram.But keeping up the connection is an intense task.Thank you Russell!You showed me the best exercise.

I've discovered my gf ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

This is her profile pic.

What a profile pic

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What a profile pic.She had opened her heart for me.

Her insta record name is "stephanieyouth".

"Hello Stephanie" I send her a message giggling myself.

"Stephanie?" she wound up astounded.

"Howdy Stephanie.Send me a few pics" I send her a message.Waiting for her pics while squeezing my left hand fingers.

"Pics?" another message from her.

"What's your age?" I send her a message waiting for her answer.

"Age?I'm 52 years of age" fabulous answer from her.I'm horrified to her answer as my body jerked a little.

"52!" I scrutinized her.I placed my left hand on my chest.

"Better believe it" she send me.

"Gracious! It's 25.You're prodding me.Haha!I'm virtuoso" I send her adjusting my white shirt collar

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