Chapter Fifteen - Off to UA

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"No way..." Midoriya whispered, his eyes widening as he stared down at his phone screen. He couldn't help but let a smile flourish onto his face out of both pure happiness and relief. It had been a risk, one that could have gone extremely badly- but it hadn't.

"'Zuku?" Looking up from tinkering with one of her babies, Mei looked over to see Midoriya holding an active blowtorch in the air with one hand, and his phone in the other; seemingly unfazed by the fact that the very open and very dangerous flame was inches from his face and his hair.

"He said he wants to meet me... as soon as possible... he's... he's impressed by my work..." Midoriya whispered once more, placing down the blowtorch onto his workbench without even attempting to turn it off, before quickly jogging over to Mei; his phone slightly outstretched in his hand.

It had only been a few days since he had finished the documents he needed and sent them off to the principal of UA; a task that would have been made quicker had Mei not insisted on forcing him to sleep, him doing the same for her- however that didn't matter now. After several work-filled days and several tense, atmospheric nights- he now had his response. It was actually worth noting that Mei had been spending more of her nights down in the lab than she apparently had before, ever since Midoriya had moved in. He hadn't really thought about it, but it was actually a rather sweet gesture.

"What are you talking about?" Mei sighed, carefully placing down the things she had been tinkering with, and taking the phone from an ecstatic Midoriya's hand; a look of fond exasperation spread across her face at his antics. Spinning the phone around in her fingers to face her, she quickly skimmed over the text; her own eyes widening as she read along.

"This... this is amazing Izuku! I'm so proud of you!" Mei laughed, handing him the phone back and pulling him into a bone-crushing hug, something Midoriya was eager to return- though his clothes were definitely ruined now, considering the amount of dirt and grease that covered Mei's work clothes.

"I- I can't believe that he said he was impressed with my work! I mean, Principal Nezu has pretty much the same Quirk as me, if not better!" Midoriya gushed, finally reluctantly pulling himself away from his friend's embrace as he looked over the email once more. He felt like he was dreaming. Ever since he had been kidnapped, his life had only been going up hill; meeting Mei; Building the Mark 2 suit; fighting his tormentor; impressing principal Nezu.

Midoriya was scared that if he closed his eyes for too long, it all might just disappear.

"So what're you gonna do?" Still smiling, Mei returned to her tinkering, watching as Midoriya began to silently freak out around the lab; she swears she saw him start crying out of happiness at one point.

Strange as it might seem, Mei enjoyed watching the hyperactive boy dart around her lab. Before she'd met Midoriya, and before she had been taken away from her home; from her family. She was, in a way, like him. She had little to no friends, and subsequently spend most of her time alone in her lab; fiddling with her babies until she dropped from exhaustion.

The sound of the lab ventilation whirring in the night being the only sign that there was even life in said lab.

"Well, he said as soon as possible, so I was thinking that I could head there today! It's only, what, 1pm?"

"11am..." Mei countered, letting a chuckle escape her throat.

"Well, whatever time it is- this will be a perfect opportunity to test out the Mark 3's flight capabilities! I'm going to get changed, Jarvis- I want you to prep the Mark 3 for use!" Midoriya called, quickly speed walking over to the lab's glass door and placing his hand over the identification pad. The pad itself wasn't originally a part of Mei's lab, however after deciding to work on the Iron Man project, they thought they should add a little more security to the place. The next step would probably be to make it so that the walls leading up to the door weren't made of glass- but as the saying goes: 'One problem at a time'.

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