Chapter Fourteen - Midoriya doesn't like to think about his past

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"Alright, I've got the design finished for the Mark 3; I'm just stuck on one thing..." Midoriya sighed, spinning around as he moved between all of the new workbenches that Mei had been kind enough to set up for him; the right arm of the Mark 2 still firmly stuck to him. As it turns out, it's a lot easier to put on one of his suits than it is to take one of them off.

He'd have to build something to help put on and take off the suits until he could figure out another way around it.

Taking another swig off his coffee, he watched as Mei descended down into the Lab from behind the glass walls; sliding through the door with her own cup of coffee steaming in her hands and a warm smile on her face.

"Hey, Mei, quick question; what colour do you think I should make the next suit?" A confused look graced her face as she pulled her phone from her pocket, walking over to Midoriya at the same time.

"You're still working? It's 11pm! You had a late night last night; struggling to get that armour off and all... You need sleep!" Izuku sighed, rubbing his metal hand across his face, before smirking and looking to his friend.

"I'm only sleeping if you do- and judging from that fact that you made yourself some coffee, I doubt you're planning on sleeping tonight,"

"Touché..." Shaking her head, she placed a hand on Midoriya's shoulder and took a drink of her coffee.

"So anyway, what colour do you think I should go for?" Thinking for a moment, Mei looked the boy up and down; smiling as she brought her hand up from his shoulder to his hair; tussling it ever so slightly and making his cheeks flare red in the process. There was something about the night-time atmosphere of the lab that made her more touchy-feely.

"Go with green; it's like your signature colour or something," Izuku raised his eyebrows in confusion as he turned his face ever-so-slightly to look at Mei.

"Think about it! Your eyes are green, and they glow green when your Quirk is active; your hair is green- and if you take away the 'ya' from Midoriya, your name means green!" She did have a point. Turning his head away from her, and instead to the workbench he had stopped at when Mei had first come in- he flicked his metal wrist; the blueprints of the Mark 3 appearing in hologram form.

"Alright, I'll use green as the main colour... as for the secondary colour..." Midoriya turned one last time towards Mei; staring into her eyes. She was the person that had kickstarted the Iron Man project along side him; a name she had quite cheekily given him in the midst of him trying to take the suit off. It only made sense to honour her in the design of the suit as well.

"Gold... just like your eyes..." After that remark, the both of them felt their faces heat up with embarrassment; neither having the guts to continue looking at each other; Izuku snapping his head back to the hologram and Mei over to the pile of metal that composed the Mark 2. The two of them had intended on putting the suit into one of the few clear tubes on the wall of the lab, but unless they could get a hold of a mannequin, that wasn't going to happen any time soon.

"I hate to interrupt your moment, Sir- however I have now been fully integrated into Mrs. Hatsume's laboratory. I now have full control over the building." It would appear that the two of them were saved from their self-induced awkwardness by the hyper-intelligent bell; the ball of glowing orange data that was Jarvis appearing in the centre of the lab.

"You can just call me Mei, Jarvis!"

"Very well Mrs. Hatsume..." Mei pouted at the AI and his clearly teasing tone.

Taking another drink of his coffee, Midoriya smiled at the data ball. For some reason, it warmed his heart to see the girl interact with Jarvis; it almost reminded him in a way of how he used to feel before his mother...

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