"We have to leave guy's!" Paul's voiced sounded through the wood. Harry grumbled under his breath, pushing himself up on his elbow's.

   "Okay!" He called back in an annoyed tone. He stood from the bed, and held a hand out for me. I was panting quietly, a subtle buzz rushing through my body. He smirked, glad to know that he have that effect on me. I slipped my smaller hand into his large one, and he pulled me to my feet. After quickly pulling our shoe's on, as Harry opened the door we met with other three boy's with Paul standing there.

   "Okay let's go!" He ordered, ushering us down the hall. I glanced down at Harry's hand itching to hold it again. But I knew I couldn't Modest! wouldn't let Larry stylinson come out of the closet.
So I guess you could say the kept us under lock and key. He seemed to have noticed my yearning, and gave me a small smile, mouthing the word's, 'I love you.' I mouthed them back before we were outside in the midst of screaming fan's. Security quickly made us a path and we found ourselves in a car on our way to the arena where we were performing.

   "Uh, Louis?" Niall asked certainly.

   "Hmm?" I hummed, leaning on Harry's shoulder. He pointed a finger at me.

   "You might wanna cover that up." I furrowed my eye brow's at him.

   "Huh?" I glanced up at Harry who was stifling a laugh. Niall sighed, pulling a camera before handing it to me. It took me a minute, but it wasn't hard to miss the dark red love-bite on my neck. I could feel the heat rising to my cheek's, and I hid my face into Harry's chest.

   "Ew..." Zayn muttered scrunching his nose, Liam's eye's widened.

   "Oh god you two didn't." He said. Harry let out an over exaggerated sigh.

   "We didn't get that far. Some very rude people interrupted us." He said jokingly.

   "I knew we had to leave but Lou begged me to keep going." He continued, I gasped, my face feeling as though it was on fire.

   "Did not!" I squeaked, my voice higher than usual . Everyone burst out laughing even myself. I looked around at everyone slowly. These were the time's I enjoyed.


*April 25 2014* *Bogota, Colombia*



'Best song ever,
It was a best song ever
It was a best song ever,
It was a best song ever'

   The crowd screamed loudly as we finished our last song, breathing heavily.

   "Thank you Colombia! You've been amazing!" Liam shouted, raising his hand's into the air.

   "We love you!" Niall yelled before we ran backstage. We handed our mic's off to the one of the worker's as we went into the dressing room.
We quickly changed into the comfier cloth's and were ushered to the tour bus. As soon as we were inside, all of us collapsed onto the couch.

   "Never get's old." Niall said happily, a huge smile on his face.

   "Never." I said, laying my head on Harry's lap. Suddenly soft snore's could be heard. Looking up, I saw that Zayn was already sleeping. His head was thrown back against the head of the couch, a little drool coming out of the corner of his mouth.

   "Same old Zayn." Harry chuckled, brushing the fringe out of my eye's.

   "Actually, I think I'm gonna go to bed too." Liam yawned, stretching his arm's as he stood up.

   "Yea me too." Niall said, walking toward's Zayn. He shook his shoulder's.

   "Zayn, ya should get in the bed too. Don't wanna hurt your neck." Zayn groaned as he nodded slowly. Then, three of them were off to the bunk's.

   "Just us then." Harry said, looking down at me.
I hummed in response, my eye's closing. I felt Harry lay back on the couch, and his hand's slipped under my arm's and pulled me up to his bare chest.
I sighed into his neck, my finger's mindlessly tracing the sparrow's that laid under his collarbone. Our leg's tangled together, and his arm's wrapped themselves tightly around me.

   "Love you Louis." He muttered into my hair.

   "Love you Harry." I said back, pressing my lip's to his neck.


*April 26 2014*

   "UGHHHHH." I groaned as I laid on the floor.

   "What's got up your ass?" Liam asked, chuckling.

   "Beside's Harry's dick." Zayn muttered. Niall burst out laughing, the sound filling the room.
My face felt hot and Harry just smirked proudly.

   "ZAYN." Liam yelled, his face as red as tomato.
Zayn shrugged, chuckling quietly. Liam shook his head and turned back to me.

   "Anyway....What's your problem?"

   "12 more boring hour's on this tour bus." I sighed, rubbing my hand's mindlessly on the carpet.
I may be the oldest but I acted like the youngest.
I had the attention span of 5 year's old and could be extremely immature at time's.

   "UGHHHHH!!!!!!" I groaned again.

   "I'M SO BORE-" I was cut off in the middle of my sentence by Harry.

   "Will you shut up?" He snapped angrily, standing up quickly. He went into the room where the bunk's were, slamming the door closed.

   "Well someone's on their period..." Niall said, jokingly but for me it wasn't a joke. I sucked on my bottom lip into my mouth, and stared at the door for a moment. Slowly, I stood up and took a deep breath before walking into the room myself. As soon as the door was closed, there was a hand gripping my hair.

   "Will you stop acting like a 3 year old for once in your life?" He whispered harshly. He released me before shoving me roughly against the wall.
The boy's had to of heard the loud bang that followed.

   "You're always so immature." He growled angrily in my ear. I opened my mouth to say something, when suddenly, the door was opening. Harry quickly grabbed a pillow and shoved it into my hand's. Niall stepped into the room.

   "Everything okay? We heard a loud crash."

   "Yeah we're fine. Just a little pillow fight. Right Louis?" He asked, holding a pillow in his hand's as well.

   "What are you? School girl's at sleep over?" Niall asked. He laughed quietly as he walked back out of the room. Harry stared at me for another moment before following behind him. I crawled onto my bunk, staring at the one across from me. Let's just say, I didn't complain about being bored for the rest of bus ride.


✔️STRONG [L.S] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon