"Hahaha you are funny. Like seriously you think I will let any of my sperms to fertilise in this sluts?!" I smile slyly.

"So what do you want?!" She asks clearly exasperated.

The fact is she cares for me and I know that too but I cannot settle down right now. I need a perfect girl and my perfect girl belongs to another planet or maybe she isn't born yet or God has stopped manufacturing perfect ideal wife material.

"Well one thing is for sure I don't want babies right now and never from this sluts. My wife has to be untouched and pure."

"Such double standards. No girl in her right sense of mind will ever marry you." She tells me, ire clearly evident in her tone.

"Really?! But your daughter Jenny thinks I am God's blessing for women." I tease her.

Jenny is another story to tell. She is a sweet kid and frankly I have no intention to corrupt her. Doc treats me like her son so jen becomes my sister, right?! But she hates it if I call her kiddo. She is smitten by me and I know that so I don't lead her on.

"Don't you dare snoop around my daughter, Arjun." She snaps at me, loud and clear.

Snoop?! I have no interest in juveniles whatsoever.

"Relax Doc. Take it easy she is still a kid and I am not interested." I assure her.

She is a kid still despite the fact that she has a huge crush on me.

"I don't understand what this stupid women see in you?" She asks me furiously.

"Face, body and most importantly my not so little friend. Does that answer your question, doc?!" I give her my best smug look.

Hahaha she scrunched her nose in disgust and picked up her check.

"I hope someday I see you with a wife and a baby on way." She says and storms off.

"Not for at least 5 years doc or make it 10!" I yell out but I don't think so she heard.

I am brought back to present by Radhika calling my name on a loop. She is giving me that look that says in which world are you in?! In the world of my past, I wish to answer her unasked question but I brush it away. Doc is laughing as if it's the best day of her life. Jesus Christ! What the fuck is wrong with this old woman?!

"She is doing it purposely to irritate me." I tell Radhika in a whining tone. Did i just whine?!

Doctor smiles an endearing smile,"Yes guilty as charged. I never imagined you having this kind of life but I am very happy for you. There was a time I was only called for emergency contraception and here we are in my clinic for your first baby."

First baby that too before I will turn 30. Way to go, Arjun. I never thought this would happen so soon. I mean yes I had thought about kids but that possibility was in an abstract future which I wasn't sure of. I mean wasn't it just last year when I told her that not at least for next 10 years. Things like these tell you that you should never say never. Life is unpredictable and I am extremely happy even though a wife and a baby were never my plans.

Finally I will have someone who I will train and pass on my empire to. How wonderful! Miniature version of Me. As I drooled over the screen which showed my growing baby, I can't help the moistness that filled my eyes. My innocent baby, I will love you more than any daddy has ever loved their babies, I promise.

"Yeah I never thought this would happen one day." I mumble as I jerked my neck in the direction of the door so as to escape their surveillance.

"Arjun, are you in tears?!" Doctor asks me genuinely.

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