"Just let him be. He doesn't want to be touch." The man said.

"But, he's alone and lonely." The woman said.

Though the woman wanted to help me but the man insisted to get out from this cave. There's no one can help me but only my baby.

I missed him and it's freeaking three months had passed.

Days come and go, I'm still in this cave. I'm becoming weak because I have no appetite. I can feel my body was on fire.

"Ares? Are you here?" I heard Selene's voice. "Oh! You're here. By the way, I'm sorry if I'm the one who bring you some food. Hailey can't make it because of her job."

She's talking to me even I ignored her. Sometimes, she took over on giving some food to me when Hailey was busy.

"You should eat. I cooked bacon for you. I know it's your favorite." She said and I cried when I remember Quinn always cooked bacon for me. "I also have here some caramel ice cream if you want."

Still I ignored her. I know she wanted to cheer me up but I can't. Not by those things just for me to remember Quinn.

"I'll wait till you eat all the food." She said.

And when she pet me, she was surprised and said that I had a fever. She used her light spells to cure me but I ran off after a few minutes. I went to the stream nearby and indulged myself in the water. I know Winter will do the trick to help me get cured and he never failed me.

I went back to the cave and saw Selene was still sitting. She waited for me and said.

"Do you still blame yourself?" She asked.

I lay down on the ground and ignored.

"I also blame myself, Ares. I'm weak and didn't do a thing to save Sirius. Everyday, I was feeling down because he was in my arms and yet he disappeared. If I wasn't that weak then I can reverse that spell or track him down but... that happened. I can't turn back time. We need to move forward." She said while staring at the sky from the broken ceiling.

The weakest at that time was me. If I had acknowledge the air element, I can help my baby at that time. But that spear took him down when my senses went down.

"It's three months already and we're still in search. We tried our best Ares to find Sirius. Dregan is in search too, in all places. Your friends also tried their best to find him." She continued.

I was ashamed of myself knowing that they're still searching for Quinn while I am here lying on the ground, doing nothing.

"Do you know why Lady Vivian give you Sirius' magic?" She asked me while looking at the sky. "It's only you who knew the scent of Sirius. The moment that you'll find Sirius, you can return his magic. But how can you do that if you're here, sulking, and done nothing?"

In my thoughts, I already gave up in searching. Everyday, I was on the wild looking for Quinn. I had less time to eat because I prioritized the search. The moment that I can no longer track his scent, I lost the hope. My senses became weak, my emotions became empty, and my heart became an ice.

I realized that I already gave up on him. I can no longer find him. This is my conclusion and I deserved no one. I deserved to be alone, and rot in this cave where it started.

"Ares, if you're still hoping to find Sirius, just come home and Lady Vivian will explain to you the details." She said and pet me.

I usually hated to be pet by anyone but with Selene talking with me, I can allow her to pet me. It's because that she also blamed herself but she found her redemption. I decided to eat the food that she brought and finished it. She smiled and told me that they're waiting for me, back home.

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