Read at your own risk. Highly shitty and triggering writing(not a smut I don't write all that kinky shit.)If you don't like that kind of stuff..LEAVE NOW!! There, I gave you ALL a WARNING so do NOT come bitching at me for 'not telling' you with the story....

As soon as I shut the door I was thrown against the wall. The familiar sent of sweat and alcohol invaded my nostrils and I immediately panicked.

"One move and I'll kill you right here."

I stopped moving. I could barely breathe. I thought I was going to pass out. "Where were you when I got home, huh?" I didn't answer. My mouth felt like sawdust. He moved closer to my ear. "You know the rules. What happens to bad boys who break the rules?"

"No, please..I.." I wimpered in fear. I mentally cursed myself for looking so weak but prayed to God that it would make him take pitty on me, but it only seemed to infuriate him more.

"Answer me, you BITCH! You WORTHLESS WHORING piece of SHIT! I don't take pitty on thoes who fuck around with everyone on the street. So tell me WHAT HAPPENS TO BAD BOYS WHO BREAK THE RULES?!"

"...B...bad b..boys..get..pp..punished."

He smirked with triumph and then dragged me by my hair to the basement. I screamed, pulled, kicked, pushed, scratched, and bit, but nothing worked. Nobody came to my aid. Everyone did what they always do, they pretend that it's all invisible to them. Because that's what it is right? If you don't see anything you don't say anything? Only one person has yet to prove that theroy about mankind wrong. And that person is Jeon Jungkook. Now more than ever I wish he was here with me.

"If you want a remote chance of surviving this, I suggest that you follow all orders given to you immediately. Now strip."

I did as he commanded and stripped myself of my clothes, shaking from head to toe, praying that Jungkook would be home soon.

"Sit on the chair." I sat on the chair, as told and he tied my hands and feet to the chair. I couldn't move. I had no way to escape.

No use feeling sorry for myself now..

I opened my eyes and saw Appa standing in front of me with a large, black whip in his hands. A psychotic smile plastered across his face.
"Bad boys get punished." He repeated. "This will teach you the rules."
A loud crack could be heard for miles in every direction and an acute pain erupted throughout my rib cage. I could feel the trickle of blood going past my hip and down my thigh. I wouldn't allow myself to look down. I wanted to cry, scream but I knew that screaming and crying would only make it worse. The only noise allowed myself to make was strangled sounds from my throat.Again and again the whip cracked. I could no longer feel. Everything is completely numb. I begin to feel lightheaded from the blood loss.

Once he had gotten bored of whipping me, he untied my hands and feet from the chair. I tried to stand but failed and landed on my stomach a few centimeters away from the chair.

"Oh, no. We're not done yet. You haven't learned your lesson."

"A..appa please..I'll be g..good. No more!" He wasn't listening to me. He turned on his heal and headed up the basement stairs, leaving me alone, naked, half dead, in the basement. I knew he would come back. It was too humane of him to just leave me here. I know he wants to see me suffer. If I were to die today I know that it would be because of his sick and twisted ways he wanted to pleasure his sadistic and satanic mind. A few more minutes pass and he returns with a large black bag. He drops the bag and stares at me. Slowly crouching down he opens the bag and smiles. Then he stands up and slowly made his way over to me. 'So this is it? He's going to stuff me in a bag and suffocate me? It's all so easy.' I thought in my head. But boy oh, boy did I wish it was Just that easy.

He easily flipped me off my stomach and on to my back and then stuffed a rag in my mouth. My brain was still trying to process what was happening. He smiled a smile that was so psychotic, I nearly pissed myself. He walked back over to the bag and pulled out a metal baseball bat.

Everything became slow motion. My mind was screaming at me to move but my body wouldn't respond. As he brought the bat back, getting ready to swing, my mind and body finally reacted together. I tried to move out of the way of the bat, but it was far too late. All too fast the bat came crashing down on my leg. A cracking sound could be heard, like the sound of someone snapping a pencil in half, only it was my leg that snapped.

I screamed but he didn't seem to care because again, he pulled the bat back and brought it down on my other leg. Breaking it as well. He continued to bring the bat back and then swing as hard as he could on various places on my body. My left arm, lower back, right shoulder blade. I could no longer move. I could no longer scream. He pulled the bat back once more, aiming for my head.

I closed my eyes and waited for impact.

But none came.

The bat dropped and I opened my eyes.

There stood my father, psychotic smile and all, holding a shiny carving knife.

The last thing I saw was the shiny blade flying through the air, aimed at my chest, and my father's smile...after that my world went black.

Uuuuuuhhhhh...well, Jimin isn't dead. (Not yet..) I won't let him die until he gets a proper goodbye....but even then..I don't know if I can kill him..I'm sorry in advance...

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